apryljo1 Member


  • I'm up almost 10lbs since Thanksgiving. I fell off the wagon with some recent life changes, but I know I can turn this around! I actually love New Year's Resolutions :love: :wink:
  • Have you tried pasta salad made with balsmaic vinegar instead of mayo? Thy taste lighter and can go a bit longer without refrigeration than mayo salads (this is my favorite: http://www.food.com/recipe/balsamic-pasta-salad-360792) Greek yogurt or sour cream would be a good mayo alternative in a regular pasta salad though I…
    in Mayo? Comment by apryljo1 July 2012
  • I've recently gotten into Cross Fit pretty heavily! I love it! It's challenging, but you can scale the workouts to your personal fitness, then build as you get stronger! www.crossfit.com has a WOD (or Workout of the Day) which keeps things interesting :)
  • I drink Body By Vi shakes twice per day, in place of two meals. In the first week, I dropped 5lbs, and I've stayed steady at 2lb per week loss ever since. For me, they're really easy since it makes breakfast a snap! The actual challenge will tell you to replace breakfast and lunch with the shakes, however, I find I get…
  • This is absolutely correct. I find certain fruits will put me into a mental starvation mode, and I feel super hungry (even though I know I'm not actually hungry). I still try not to eat much in the way of fruit, but if I do, apricots, oranges, plums, and pears are my go-to fruits :)