

  • Sorry I was talking about the guys in grocery stores and restaurants. That's why I mentioned retail. Though I do agree the car honking, lewd comments from cars and just walking down the street can be disconcerting. I used to get that when I was younger and in shape.
  • You really are upset about being called hun or sweetie? I worked in retail for many years, where I am from it seems to be the norm. Though I didn't start using 'pet' names until I started working at a Subway restaurant. All the girls there called customers "Dear" because it's a very small town and I found myself doing it…
  • I will be 40 on june 1st this year. My mom says life doesn't start till 40 and I'm learning she's right!
  • Thank you for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate the advice. :happy:
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