Stranger danger!



  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    And know I know where to look when I need to scruff you! Hahaha...
    -not sharing where mine is- LOL

    I"m contemplating hiding two more on me when I start running at 4 am.
    Oh my god, you do the crazy timing running, too XD lol.
    Once I even grabbed a random shard of glass on the floor just in case haha.

    I have to. There is no other time of the day when I can. It's coolcoolcool though because I don't sleep much anyways haha.
    I try to do it at night because I cannot stand the heat.
    I swear, the heat turns me into a completely different person.. I get all slow and sluggish.. Good for heart rate, but nothing more, I'll be hiding under the first shadow I find.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    I have to. There is no other time of the day when I can. It's coolcoolcool though because I don't sleep much anyways haha.
    I try to do it at night because I cannot stand the heat.
    I swear, the heat turns me into a completely different person.. I get all slow and sluggish.. Good for heart rate, but nothing more, I'll be hiding under the first shadow I find.

    Where I live the heat is abominable and even at 7am/ 8am.. it's pretty bad. That said... I've acclimatized enough that an overcast 80F day has me wearing jeans and feeling slightly chilly.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Knife is probably inadequate. Get Pepper spray and a conceal permit to carry the bad news.

    That being said, living in the South, it is customary for cashiers and waitresses in "greasy spoon restaurants" to call all men "hun or sweety"... Nothing is meant by it and we all know it... and yes, it can feel a little uncomfortable but we know they mean nothing by it... Asking you to get in their car and "checking out the goodies".... yeah, that is not kewl. You may want to discuss this with your gym staff as well ... they probably don't want creepers around. Meanwhile, if they are real pervos, you want to be able to defend yourself and convince them that they need to turn from their wicked ways and change their lifestyle...
  • MJC360
    MJC360 Posts: 368
    This is for the ladies and the men. Please don't be shy and share.

    Sooo... Ever had creepos hit on you while you work out?
    Ask you to get into their cars....?
    Call you "sweetie" out of nowhere...? While they check out your.. "goodies"?
    Lick their lips at you....? And then wink?
    +other creepy stuff??

    Okay, that's off my chest.
    And people wonder why I carry a knife.

    A knife is better than nothing, but a gun would be best. Even if you don't shoot the attacker the gun shots would be heard and the cops would show up. Unless you live near me, they might ever show up around here.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    This is for the ladies and the men. Please don't be shy and share.

    Sooo... Ever had creepos hit on you while you work out?
    Ask you to get into their cars....?
    Call you "sweetie" out of nowhere...? While they check out your.. "goodies"?
    Lick their lips at you....? And then wink?
    +other creepy stuff??

    Okay, that's off my chest.
    And people wonder why I carry a knife.

    A knife is better than nothing, but a gun would be best. Even if you don't shoot the attacker the gun shots would be heard and the cops would show up. Unless you live near me, they might ever show up around here.
    Might need a flare gun, then.
  • iwtfytj
    iwtfytj Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in law school and I use the gym at the university rec center. It's mostly filled with undergrads that are 10+ years younger than me. They are ALWAYS staring at females working out. Yay for sharing a workout space with horny college dudebros :/
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    When I lived in NC, I would frequently see one of my neighbors lurking around outside. I asked him to help me move something heavy once... what a mistake that was... one night I was sitting at my computer in the living room and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I looked to my right and there was his eye... staring at me through a crack in the vertical blinds on my sliding back door... totally fraking, freaked me out!!! I moved soon after that!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Worse case I had was when I wrecked my bike in Idaho many years back, a guy help me lift my motorcycle into the back of his truck and drove an hour to nearest shop. Turned out he was an ex cop who killed his boyfriend and was on bail. He was well known because of small population, luckily some young ladies gave me the heads up...
  • You really are upset about being called hun or sweetie? I worked in retail for many years, where I am from it seems to be the norm. Though I didn't start using 'pet' names until I started working at a Subway restaurant. All the girls there called customers "Dear" because it's a very small town and I found myself doing it out of habit. No ulterior motives or sexual innuendo intended.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    You really are upset about being called hun or sweetie? I worked in retail for many years, where I am from it seems to be the norm. Though I didn't start using 'pet' names until I started working at a Subway restaurant. All the girls there called customers "Dear" because it's a very small town and I found myself doing it out of habit. No ulterior motives or sexual innuendo intended.
    Go read the part about.. FROM THEIR CARS.
    -will not add other details because gross-
  • You really are upset about being called hun or sweetie? I worked in retail for many years, where I am from it seems to be the norm. Though I didn't start using 'pet' names until I started working at a Subway restaurant. All the girls there called customers "Dear" because it's a very small town and I found myself doing it out of habit. No ulterior motives or sexual innuendo intended.
    Go read the part about.. FROM THEIR CARS.
    -will not add other details because gross-

    Sorry I was talking about the guys in grocery stores and restaurants. That's why I mentioned retail. Though I do agree the car honking, lewd comments from cars and just walking down the street can be disconcerting. I used to get that when I was younger and in shape.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    -will not add other details because gross-

  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    There's a creepo at my gym who just left me a note with his phone number on it on the windshield of my car. He's SCARY looking and now the girl who works at the gym always tells me that he likes me! Ewwwwwww!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    :frown: I haven't been hit on or creeped in years. I miss the calorie burn from all the eye rolling.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    It means "what would jesus do". Don't mind the guy asking--he's just being an *kitten* acting like you're some heathen for not knowing.
    Oh, it's all good, I was playing along lol.
    Happens here a lot :P
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    It means "what would jesus do". Don't mind the guy asking--he's just being an *kitten* acting like you're some heathen for not knowing.
    Oh, it's all good, I was playing along lol.
    Happens here a lot :P

    No one should play along here, CCF&Gs is serious business!
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    It means "what would jesus do". Don't mind the guy asking--he's just being an *kitten* acting like you're some heathen for not knowing.
    Oh, it's all good, I was playing along lol.
    Happens here a lot :P

    No one should play along here, CCF&Gs is serious business!
    They dun know that!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    It means "what would jesus do". Don't mind the guy asking--he's just being an *kitten* acting like you're some heathen for not knowing.
    Oh, it's all good, I was playing along lol.
    Happens here a lot :P

    No one should play along here, CCF&Gs is serious business!
    They dun know that!

    Oops! Off to don the hair shirt
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    One time a girl said hi to me and I just curled up in a ball weeping and peeing myself.
    Dem shades. It's the shades.
    Should wear them during the day, not night, boo.

    **sings** I wear my suuuunnnn glasses at night! I wear my suuunnn glasses at night, so I can, so I can....
  • lookinggoodkel
    lookinggoodkel Posts: 1,235 Member
    I always throw **** when waitresses call me "sweetie." I mean that **** is CREE-PY!

    And don't even get me started on getting PMs with naught pics. These ladies need to step back. I mean, this is a fitness website, right? WWJD?

    I've had request for naughty photos and then stop talking when u refuse