Stranger danger!



  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    No one has ever...ever hit on me while I was working out. The only things that took me by surprise was when one guy decided to randomly show me how to lift better. Haha...

    The other time a guy just said I was doing a killer arm routine, then proceeded to ask me if I was going to add in other specific moves to it.

    But...that is it. I don't think there are many creepers at the gym in my neighborhood. That, or I just don't attract creepers.

    They were trying to make conversation with you is all. So I guess it is all in how you perceive creepiness.
    Into my car, girly. -has roomy backseat-
    Mmmmm -creepy eyes-
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    This is for the ladies and the men. Please don't be shy and share.

    Sooo... Ever had creepos hit on you while you work out?
    Ask you to get into their cars....?
    Call you "sweetie" out of nowhere...? While they check out your.. "goodies"?
    Lick their lips at you....? And then wink?
    +other creepy stuff??

    Okay, that's off my chest.
    And people wonder why I carry a knife.

    I always carry a knife too!
    But no one sees me so I'm probably safe haha.
    LOL. I hate to forget my knife.

    Mine is clips onto my waistband.
    And know I know where to look when I need to scruff you! Hahaha...
    -not sharing where mine is- LOL
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I do not work out at a gym but

    just walking down the street and some guy got right in my face saying "WHOA YOU HOT HEY STOP WANNA SUCK MY **** HEY" I wish I had a knife honestly ...I wish I had a knife in this moment

    one time a man followed me all the way to the grocery store (I was walking) he went in followed me around the store until he could corner me and ask me out ..every time I told him to **** off he just kept saying " hey im being nice to you id take you to a nice place give me a chance" calllllly the cops....that guy followed me around again two more times btw

    I need one of those lipstick knives and lots of bear spray
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    And know I know where to look when I need to scruff you! Hahaha...
    -not sharing where mine is- LOL

    I"m contemplating hiding two more on me when I start running at 4 am.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I do not work out at a gym but

    just walking down the street and some guy got right in my face saying "WHOA YOU HOT HEY STOP WANNA SUCK MY **** HEY" I wish I had a knife honestly ...I wish I had a knife in this moment

    one time a man followed me all the way to the grocery store (I was walking) he went in followed me around the store until he could corner me and ask me out ..every time I told him to **** off he just kept saying " hey im being nice to you id take you to a nice place give me a chance" calllllly the cops....that guy followed me around again two more times btw

    I need one of those lipstick knives and lots of bear spray
    Starting to like you more and more...
    STOP ET!!!!

    -reads on-
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    And know I know where to look when I need to scruff you! Hahaha...
    -not sharing where mine is- LOL

    I"m contemplating hiding two more on me when I start running at 4 am.
    Oh my god, you do the crazy timing running, too XD lol.
    Once I even grabbed a random shard of glass on the floor just in case haha.
  • littlebutlean
    littlebutlean Posts: 2,159 Member
    Most I've had is smiles from women and stares from guys, but nothing more! Clearly I'm not sporting it up enough in the gym .. :grumble:

    Edit: To be fair, I have buds in, sometimes hood up .. and I'm there to use the equipment, not to socialize and find a mate.. most of the time I don't even make eye contact.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Most I've had is smiles from women and stares from guys, but nothing more! Clearly I'm not sporting it up enough in the gym .. :grumble:

    Edit: To be fair, I have buds in, sometimes hood up .. and I'm there to use the equipment, not to socialize and find a mate.. most of the time I don't even make eye contact.
    Sadly, I have to make eye contact with drivers because I'm crossing the road a lot.. California tends to have tiny blocks, ticks me off. Streets cut off randomly and start up somewhere else as well.

    I had my headphones on. Was even talking on the phone one time D:!!!

    Hood seems like a good idea. Will have use that in the future.
  • littlebutlean
    littlebutlean Posts: 2,159 Member
    Oh wait, I thought this was specifically for the gym! I obviously didn't spend enough time reading .. uhm, in general? hrmm.. not really.

    But yes, hood up is great .. someone who's got hood up super far almost over the top of their face is a little scary because they represent being unpredictable. Good strategy for women!
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member
    Let me see.. a suave guy smirked at me while I was heading to swimming pool for my routine workout in the morning, at 10:30am, before he jumped into pool and swam away. I had to move to the farthest lane and away from a suave stranger to swim next to me. We were the only two persons at the pool on last Saturday.

    Normally I am alright with swimming next to strangers as long as they dont bother me, but not to the one who looked at me and gave a smirk..
  • mariepreston1995
    Had to walk out of the restroom today with 3 guys standing right there... when I looked back they were all staring at my *kitten*.
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member
    Most I've had is smiles from women and stares from guys, but nothing more! Clearly I'm not sporting it up enough in the gym .. :grumble:

    Edit: To be fair, I have buds in, sometimes hood up .. and I'm there to use the equipment, not to socialize and find a mate.. most of the time I don't even make eye contact.

    Smiles from women..because you looking great. Stares from guys..means they envy of you :tongue:

    Well be proud of strangers oogling on you when you are doing gym workout :wink:
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member
    Had to walk out of the restroom today with 3 guys standing right there... when I looked back they were all staring at my *kitten*.

  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I always throw **** when waitresses call me "sweetie." I mean that **** is CREE-PY!

    And don't even get me started on getting PMs with naught pics. These ladies need to step back. I mean, this is a fitness website, right? WWJD?
    What's a wwjd??

    What would Jeff do? Duh...
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Knife is a terrible weapon. A few punctures with a small blade isn't going to kill someone instantly. It's a close range weapon and can produce quite a lot of blood which could be infected with God knows what.

    Not terribly difficult to disarm someone with a small knife, then use it on them.

    Has to be better options.
  • mariepreston1995
    I always throw **** when waitresses call me "sweetie." I mean that **** is CREE-PY!

    And don't even get me started on getting PMs with naught pics. These ladies need to step back. I mean, this is a fitness website, right? WWJD?
    What's a wwjd??

    What would Jeff do? Duh...

    No, it means "We want jelly donut "
  • Sara__Beth
    Sara__Beth Posts: 30 Member
    I do not work out at a gym but

    just walking down the street and some guy got right in my face saying "WHOA YOU HOT HEY STOP WANNA SUCK MY **** HEY" I wish I had a knife honestly ...I wish I had a knife in this moment

    one time a man followed me all the way to the grocery store (I was walking) he went in followed me around the store until he could corner me and ask me out ..every time I told him to **** off he just kept saying " hey im being nice to you id take you to a nice place give me a chance" calllllly the cops....that guy followed me around again two more times btw

    I need one of those lipstick knives and lots of bear spray

    I live in a fairly small suburban town but I am still incredibly paranoid about things like that. A few weeks ago I went walking down my road (I live just on the outskirts of town so pretty heavily populated) and on the way back I noticed a young guy standing at the corner of a store for several minutes doing nothing. As soon as I passed he starts walking behind me and followed me for several blocks. He eventually went down the road just before mine but things like that really freak me out. Every time I go out, especially whenever there are people just hanging around, I'm constantly on the look out. A lot of people like to go super slow as they drive by on the days I walk on the road. Creeps me out, especially since a little girl in my town was almost abducted at gunpoint recently.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I do not work out at a gym but

    just walking down the street and some guy got right in my face saying "WHOA YOU HOT HEY STOP WANNA SUCK MY **** HEY" I wish I had a knife honestly ...I wish I had a knife in this moment

    one time a man followed me all the way to the grocery store (I was walking) he went in followed me around the store until he could corner me and ask me out ..every time I told him to **** off he just kept saying " hey im being nice to you id take you to a nice place give me a chance" calllllly the cops....that guy followed me around again two more times btw

    I need one of those lipstick knives and lots of bear spray

    I live in a fairly small suburban town but I am still incredibly paranoid about things like that. A few weeks ago I went walking down my road (I live just on the outskirts of town so pretty heavily populated) and on the way back I noticed a young guy standing at the corner of a store for several minutes doing nothing. As soon as I passed he starts walking behind me and followed me for several blocks. He eventually went down the road just before mine but things like that really freak me out. Every time I go out, especially whenever there are people just hanging around, I'm constantly on the look out. A lot of people like to go super slow as they drive by on the days I walk on the road. Creeps me out, especially since a little girl in my town was almost abducted at gunpoint recently.

    yup it is horrifying & happens way to much

    street harassment is disgusting and needs to stop / be stood up against & taken seriously by authorities
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    And know I know where to look when I need to scruff you! Hahaha...
    -not sharing where mine is- LOL

    I"m contemplating hiding two more on me when I start running at 4 am.
    Oh my god, you do the crazy timing running, too XD lol.
    Once I even grabbed a random shard of glass on the floor just in case haha.

    I have to. There is no other time of the day when I can. It's coolcoolcool though because I don't sleep much anyways haha.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    Knife is a terrible weapon. A few punctures with a small blade isn't going to kill someone instantly. It's a close range weapon and can produce quite a lot of blood which could be infected with God knows what.

    Not terribly difficult to disarm someone with a small knife, then use it on them.

    Has to be better options.

    Not in this country. Guns and pepper spray are illegal. BUT- I can carry a knife.