fifipye Member


  • I’m also a teacher and mum of a 7 and 3 year old. I’m 37 soon and really want to finally get healthy before I’m 40!
  • Hi I'm fairly new to this too - signed up out of interest ages ago but only started using it properly recently. It's good if you have the phone app too, as I can't often get to a PC and it means I can log what I eat as I go (I tend to 'forget' if it's not written down quickly!) Good luck, :smile:
  • Hello! I had my daughter in 2010 and before her I had a miscarriage, and it took a while to conceive. I think it was down to my weight, so although we are not going to start trying again until October, I want to lose as much weight as possible before then - my pregnancy was pretty hard going, and a lot of that was weight…
  • Hello! I'm like you - have lost and gained, so I'm hoping I can stick to it this time!