

  • Hi, I'm still nursing my 15 month old, she is hard to wean compared to my son, who did it all himself at 17 months. I have a feeling that I may be nursing for a while still. Last baby though, so I don't mind (too much). I'm also a stay at home Mom, just dusted off my running shoes last month. I never had too much success…
  • Hi, I just started on here a few weeks ago. I love it because I log in daily and it reminds me to stay on track. My method is slow and steady. I'm trying to create a filling meal plan for my family that we can follow for the rest of our days. It's being tweaked as I go along. I'm also running, with the hopes of completing…
  • Hi, I've been on here for a week or so, I will send you a friend request. I would also like to have friends who I can compare with and also motivate me. I like seeing how hard everyone is working, which in turn awakens my 'competitive' spirit, and I work even harder! I have an open food diary so anyone please add me if you…
  • Hi, I am from Canada 33 years old, two kiddies, a boy 3 1/2 years old and a girl 15 months. I have been pondering the weight thing for the past year and am ready to get back to myself. I hear you about needing the calm on challenging days. I am a stay at home mom, not many close friends except for the hubby and my mother,…