

  • you want to lose some more weight, but right now you look FANTASTIC!!
  • it sounds to me that she feels intimidated by how well you are doing and is trying to sabotage your sucess, so she does better. the thing is she may not be fully aware of the impact her behaviour is having on you. it's a shame because as a pair you could motivate and encourage each other. at the end of the day you could…
  • hi you are a very perceptive person!! what you said about me being sensitive about my weight was spot on. althugh i was and still am very overwieght i lived in a fantasy world thinking i was the only person who saw how it affected me, until last year when my two best friends set up an"intervention" with me to tell me how…
  • :happy: hi congratulations on losing 6lbs. it sounds like you've worked really hard. i've spent over half my life trying to lose weight, and one of the things i've now learnt is that to a certain extent it's easier to lose weight than it is to keep it off. the way you lose weight has a lot to do with that. in order to lose…
  • hi i know how you feel. istarted losing weight last August.at the time i weighed over 430lbs, but didn't know exactly how much as i didn't weigh myself. i now weigh 360lbs. as much as i want to be happy about how far i've come, i can't stop thinking about the fact that i still have just over 200lbs to lose, and whether i…
  • hi have just joined officially online today. i live in London so you can add me also. i have been on a diet since August and have a lot to lose but would like to hear from you. good luck in your journey :happy:
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