pjischaos Member


  • Well, OP, ya may not be at goal yet but your progress is amazing so far. Way to go girl!
  • OP, ya said it's your time of the month.., well I know I can(&have) gain up to 8 lbs during this time myself. I say just keep doing what ya doing and ride it out for a few weeks.
  • For OP, I use this site to figure out the same thing ya asked: https://www.walkingwithattitude.com/fitness-tools/walking-pace
  • I have the opposite problem, not losing much in pounds but clothes are really baggy and loose. Thighs and calf measurements haven't changed in over a month but are the areas that are most baggy in jeans now. I sure don't get it but am definitely not complaining, I'll take whatever it is. lol
  • I am not sure what to offer other than you are the only person qualified to decide what ya body is telling ya. If you are happy knowing ya did the workout, even a smaller one as ya put it, then that's what ya need to do. I take rest days when I just can't get my body to cooperate during a workout. Then hit it harder the…
  • As a former Mountain Dew addict (8+ cans a day) I feel ya on this one. I first started cutting out the Dew by switching to Diet Dew. Then found the singles to go aisle at the grocery store and was hooked on water that way. My faves are the Orange Crush, Jolly Rancher Green Apple & Cherry. These are only a buck a box to…
  • Hey there reen, ya can add me if ya want. I get little support at home as well so kinda feel ya there. Best of luck to ya hun!
  • Hmm, I guess I am too new at this but for some reason none of this statement translated as "carrying around a scale" to weigh things in a public place, to me..? I portion out my stuff too, especially when I am out with others. I have to! Otherwise I get so lost in the convo or whatever else is going on around me that I…
  • "The scale is only one indication of weight loss . There are so many other ways like simply feeling better!" ~ kimbelle_vie This right here is what I have to tell myself everyday! 6 months ago, I started dabbling with the treadmill and Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. Hubby was no support, whatsoever, even discouraged me at…
  • I have to say I am sorry you are not getting the results you were after BUT, you are the inspiration I needed today so thank you for that! I just finished day 2 of this workout and barely made it through at that, yesterday I could only get through 10 mins! This one is really hard, for me anyways, and seeing that you are…