Watching your macros makes you do crazy things.



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    What's wrong with weighing food at a restaurant?
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    btc1987 wrote: »
    Are you gonna whip out a scale and measure the chips and salsa?

    Seems a bit extreme. Good on you for watching yourself, but making a big display about it is a bit off-putting. I'd recommend just mentally keeping track of the number of chips you are eating while enjoying the company of your family.

    I am not trying to be rude, I am trying to be honest. Please don't take offense! :)

    I disagree. If keeping track of it is something that enlightens her and helps her progress in life, she should be able to do whatever she wants. Yeah, it might hurt her chances if she were at the bar and dating, but for this...heck, whip out the scale. If the family has a problem with her making a change in her life instead of a curiosity, then they can go pound sand.

    Do you seriously not see the issue with carrying a food scale around with you to a restaurant for a family outing?

    Is this something that happens every night or more like once a month? Either way, building healthy habits and such aren't just about intake, it's about mentality as well.

    What's wrong with weighing food at a restaurant?

    Personally, I think it's a little too obsessive if you are going out for a social gathering.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    btc1987 wrote: »
    Are you gonna whip out a scale and measure the chips and salsa?

    Seems a bit extreme. Good on you for watching yourself, but making a big display about it is a bit off-putting. I'd recommend just mentally keeping track of the number of chips you are eating while enjoying the company of your family.

    I am not trying to be rude, I am trying to be honest. Please don't take offense! :)

    I disagree. If keeping track of it is something that enlightens her and helps her progress in life, she should be able to do whatever she wants. Yeah, it might hurt her chances if she were at the bar and dating, but for this...heck, whip out the scale. If the family has a problem with her making a change in her life instead of a curiosity, then they can go pound sand.

    Do you seriously not see the issue with carrying a food scale around with you to a restaurant for a family outing?

    Is this something that happens every night or more like once a month? Either way, building healthy habits and such aren't just about intake, it's about mentality as well.

    What's wrong with weighing food at a restaurant?

    Personally, I think it's a little too obsessive if you are going out for a social gathering.
    Welp, I add "obsessive" to my list of mental issues. I don't see a problem with it, but I tend to see obsessiveness as something that will interfere with my life. I tend to read weighing out my portions as being as accurate as possible, moreso now that I have a much smaller deficit to play with.
  • btc1987
    btc1987 Posts: 94 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    btc1987 wrote: »
    Are you gonna whip out a scale and measure the chips and salsa?

    Seems a bit extreme. Good on you for watching yourself, but making a big display about it is a bit off-putting. I'd recommend just mentally keeping track of the number of chips you are eating while enjoying the company of your family.

    I am not trying to be rude, I am trying to be honest. Please don't take offense! :)

    I disagree. If keeping track of it is something that enlightens her and helps her progress in life, she should be able to do whatever she wants. Yeah, it might hurt her chances if she were at the bar and dating, but for this...heck, whip out the scale. If the family has a problem with her making a change in her life instead of a curiosity, then they can go pound sand.

    Do you seriously not see the issue with carrying a food scale around with you to a restaurant for a family outing?

    Is this something that happens every night or more like once a month? Either way, building healthy habits and such aren't just about intake, it's about mentality as well.

    What's wrong with weighing food at a restaurant?

    Personally, I think it's a little too obsessive if you are going out for a social gathering.
    Welp, I add "obsessive" to my list of mental issues. I don't see a problem with it, but I tend to see obsessiveness as something that will interfere with my life. I tend to read weighing out my portions as being as accurate as possible, moreso now that I have a much smaller deficit to play with.

    I have a food scale at home. Every morning I weigh each component of my post-workout shake. I have logged my food daily for 285 days in MyFitnessPal. I understand being obsessed and wanting to be accurate.

    That being said, please don't forget the setting of this advice.

    You are out to dinner with your family. The first thing on your mind should be enjoying their company. The last thing on your mind should be how many grams a tortilla chip weighs.

    What's the purpose of being healthful if you do not get to fully enjoy the important moments in life?
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    What if the one measuring at the restaurant was autistic, would you be "put off"? No, ya wouldn't. But for normal people, you care too much about what others think...

    What does that matter? It still isn't a healthy mindset, regardless if you have a mental disability or not. That's pretty messed up to try to use that to back up your opinion.

    Don't be one of those people who intentionally misinterprets a point just because they like being offended. He clearly wasn't being derogatory in the slightest.

    Mmhmm. I'm not. Encouraging someone to go around with a food scale on family outings isn't a healthy mindset to be encouraging and saying no one would think twice if an autistic person did it isn't good either.

    but thanks for playing.

    You're forcing an offense onto his statement that wasn't intended or present. It's definitely the work of someone who likes to take offense at things, feels better when they get to be indignant with the big bad world. But, you're also starting to bore me, so off to bed.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    What if the one measuring at the restaurant was autistic, would you be "put off"? No, ya wouldn't. But for normal people, you care too much about what others think...

    What does that matter? It still isn't a healthy mindset, regardless if you have a mental disability or not. That's pretty messed up to try to use that to back up your opinion.

    Don't be one of those people who intentionally misinterprets a point just because they like being offended. He clearly wasn't being derogatory in the slightest.

    Mmhmm. I'm not. Encouraging someone to go around with a food scale on family outings isn't a healthy mindset to be encouraging and saying no one would think twice if an autistic person did it isn't good either.

    but thanks for playing.

    You're forcing an offense onto his statement that wasn't intended or present. It's definitely the work of someone who likes to take offense at things, feels better when they get to be indignant with the big bad world. But, you're also starting to bore me, so off to bed.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    zachbonner wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    What if the one measuring at the restaurant was autistic, would you be "put off"? No, ya wouldn't. But for normal people, you care too much about what others think...

    What does that matter? It still isn't a healthy mindset, regardless if you have a mental disability or not. That's pretty messed up to try to use that to back up your opinion.

    Don't be one of those people who intentionally misinterprets a point just because they like being offended. He clearly wasn't being derogatory in the slightest.

    Mmhmm. I'm not. Encouraging someone to go around with a food scale on family outings isn't a healthy mindset to be encouraging and saying no one would think twice if an autistic person did it isn't good either.

    but thanks for playing.

    You're forcing an offense onto his statement that wasn't intended or present. It's definitely the work of someone who likes to take offense at things, feels better when they get to be indignant with the big bad world. But, you're also starting to bore me, so off to bed.



  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    On the list of people I'd notice at a restaurant:

    The obnoxious pack of girl friends dropping screeching profanity every other word while they "console" one of the group after a break up, assuring her the guy was a two-timing scumbag who wasn't good enough for her anyway.

    The table full of bros catcalling the waitress and anyone else with ovaries who walks in the door.

    The couple in such desperate need of a room, their booth will be sticky when they leave

    The parents on their phones while they completely ignore their screaming hellspawn drinking from the ketchup bottle and throwing fries at the table behind them

    The group that spent 3 hrs in the bar before being seated and at least one looks to have a 50/50 chance of puking before they pass out in their appetizer

    The couple who are obviously fighting, so every comment, including their food order, is twice the necessary volume and intoned like a passive aggressive threat

    After all that, maybe I'd notice someone quietly portioning their own food at their table, if they were sitting right next to me and making a big deal of it. Even if I did, noticing != judging. It's no more worthy of attention than overhearing someone substitute green beans for their mashed potatoes.

  • KickboxDiva
    KickboxDiva Posts: 142 Member
    The problem with the dialog regarding being in the moment and enjoying family is that for most people, eating out, parties, and events CAN be a every night or every other night event. When you are goal driven people around you are going to know it. Some you can be open in front of an some you can not. Friends and family should support you and counting your chips is not a big deal. Might help others to take their head out of la la land and realize what they are putting in their mouths. I'm sure shes not Debbie Downer at every meal but when you are working towards a goal you can't let up for every occasion or you will not make progress. It's better than feeling like you can't go because you can't partake. Just check the menu in advance and plan what you are eating. Not making a production out of it is easy. No one has to know you are secretly deciding if those chips are the 7 per ounce or 14 per ounce kind!
  • coraborealis80
    coraborealis80 Posts: 53 Member
    In America, portions are huge. Asians eat small portions of everything and they stay lean. Portion control!

    I lived in Taiwan and found the portions to be quite as ridiculous in sit down restaurants in Taipei City as they are here. Asia is a continent, not a country. What may be true in one town or city is not true in others. Cardiovascular disease comes with that perceived "leanness" in increasingly worrying rates and skinny-fat is not lean.

    Generalizations hurt both cultures. Just. Don't. Make. Them.
  • pjischaos
    pjischaos Posts: 11 Member
    Does anyone do things now (in order to stay within your macros) that people think is sometimes a little weird?

    Today someone brought cookies...440 CALORIES EACH. So I only ate .25 of the cookie!

    Tonight my family wants to go to a Mexican restaurant chain for dinner...I want chips and salsa so I'll be asking my family if I can get to the basket of chips first and portion mine out.

    It's sometimes frustrating and really tough to do....but I'm so glad I do all of this! :)

    Hmm, I guess I am too new at this but for some reason none of this statement translated as "carrying around a scale" to weigh things in a public place, to me..? I portion out my stuff too, especially when I am out with others. I have to! Otherwise I get so lost in the convo or whatever else is going on around me that I forget just how many chips I already ate. While my method is far from correct, I at least know how many chips I did eat and can put that number in when I enter it.
    I have become obsessed with any and all food labels though and have learned a lot in the last few weeks about what exactly I am eating. Especially what I need to find a substitute for or just eliminate all together.
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    btc1987 wrote: »
    Are you gonna whip out a scale and measure the chips and salsa?

    Seems a bit extreme. Good on you for watching yourself, but making a big display about it is a bit off-putting. I'd recommend just mentally keeping track of the number of chips you are eating while enjoying the company of your family.

    I am not trying to be rude, I am trying to be honest. Please don't take offense! :)

    Of course I didn't bring a scale, just eyeballed it :)
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    NRSPAM wrote: »
    I wish I could eat 0.25 of a cookie! Lol. I have tried and failed.

    It was SO DIFFICULT :'(
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    On the list of people I'd notice at a restaurant:

    The obnoxious pack of girl friends dropping screeching profanity every other word while they "console" one of the group after a break up, assuring her the guy was a two-timing scumbag who wasn't good enough for her anyway.

    The table full of bros catcalling the waitress and anyone else with ovaries who walks in the door.

    The couple in such desperate need of a room, their booth will be sticky when they leave

    The parents on their phones while they completely ignore their screaming hellspawn drinking from the ketchup bottle and throwing fries at the table behind them

    The group that spent 3 hrs in the bar before being seated and at least one looks to have a 50/50 chance of puking before they pass out in their appetizer

    The couple who are obviously fighting, so every comment, including their food order, is twice the necessary volume and intoned like a passive aggressive threat

    After all that, maybe I'd notice someone quietly portioning their own food at their table, if they were sitting right next to me and making a big deal of it. Even if I did, noticing != judging. It's no more worthy of attention than overhearing someone substitute green beans for their mashed potatoes.

    This made me laugh so much :P
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    btc1987 wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    btc1987 wrote: »
    Are you gonna whip out a scale and measure the chips and salsa?

    Seems a bit extreme. Good on you for watching yourself, but making a big display about it is a bit off-putting. I'd recommend just mentally keeping track of the number of chips you are eating while enjoying the company of your family.

    I am not trying to be rude, I am trying to be honest. Please don't take offense! :)

    I disagree. If keeping track of it is something that enlightens her and helps her progress in life, she should be able to do whatever she wants. Yeah, it might hurt her chances if she were at the bar and dating, but for this...heck, whip out the scale. If the family has a problem with her making a change in her life instead of a curiosity, then they can go pound sand.

    Do you seriously not see the issue with carrying a food scale around with you to a restaurant for a family outing?

    Is this something that happens every night or more like once a month? Either way, building healthy habits and such aren't just about intake, it's about mentality as well.

    What's wrong with weighing food at a restaurant?

    Personally, I think it's a little too obsessive if you are going out for a social gathering.
    Welp, I add "obsessive" to my list of mental issues. I don't see a problem with it, but I tend to see obsessiveness as something that will interfere with my life. I tend to read weighing out my portions as being as accurate as possible, moreso now that I have a much smaller deficit to play with.

    I have a food scale at home. Every morning I weigh each component of my post-workout shake. I have logged my food daily for 285 days in MyFitnessPal. I understand being obsessed and wanting to be accurate.

    That being said, please don't forget the setting of this advice.

    You are out to dinner with your family. The first thing on your mind should be enjoying their company. The last thing on your mind should be how many grams a tortilla chip weighs.

    What's the purpose of being healthful if you do not get to fully enjoy the important moments in life?

    Congrats on 285 days!! :)
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    OP, I would say, do what ever you want. But I would add this, if your family is cool with all of this, that's awesome. If it makes them uncomfortable, you should either, not do it or stay home.
  • btc1987
    btc1987 Posts: 94 Member
    btc1987 wrote: »
    Are you gonna whip out a scale and measure the chips and salsa?

    Seems a bit extreme. Good on you for watching yourself, but making a big display about it is a bit off-putting. I'd recommend just mentally keeping track of the number of chips you are eating while enjoying the company of your family.

    I am not trying to be rude, I am trying to be honest. Please don't take offense! :)

    Of course I didn't bring a scale, just eyeballed it :)

    Good on you :)
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    OP, I would say, do what ever you want. But I would add this, if your family is cool with all of this, that's awesome. If it makes them uncomfortable, you should either, not do it or stay home.

    This post was more of just talking about eating less than what most "serving sizes" are...everyone got so angry! :)
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    edited February 2015
    Awkward moment in my life today, my old friend who enjoys binge eating with me, invited me out too lunch. I've lost 60 lbs, and am maintaining that loss. I work pretty hard to keep from binging.

    Anyways, we go to Pizza Hut buffet, I ordered a personal pizza, and the salad bar, and skipped the whole "eat till I'm sick" routine.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Friend was mocking, and a little hurt. But I already had a few epic food days this week, I gotta chill on the massive portions.