leogal14 Member


  • It really is never too late! I have fought the weight battle since age 10. Been on every diet known to man.(lol) My highest weight was in 2006. I successfully lost 50 pounds between 2006-09 until I suddenly became a widow. I used food as my emotional comfort for the pain and loneliness and gained back 25 pounds. Reached…
  • I cannot tolerate black coffee, so had to figure out a way to obtain a pleasant experience without the excessive fat, calories and sugar of the regular flavored creamers which I love! I switched to fat free half and half to give it creaminess.(40 cal for total of 2 servings) Next I found the Torani coffee syrups...they…
  • Thank you! I did change the weight loss goal to 50 pounds just to see what it came up with. It went from 1350 cal/day to 1200 cal/day. Quite a difference. I know I need to get enough calories and not go under, in order not to go into starvation mode. What I really love about this program is the ability to scan barcodes! It…
  • I just joined 10 days ago. I was wondering- when you set your goals, is it better to start with a 20 pound weight loss for the goal, or to put down the total amount you are hoping to lose? Does that affect the calorie amount it sets up for you? I put down 25 as my goal, but if I lost all I need to lose, it would be 50. It…
  • I am an emotional eater. Have been all my life. My husband died suddenly 4 years ago and I have eaten my way up the scale to deal with my grief and loneliness! I have gained 25 pounds and it has to stop! I am determined to lose the 25 pounds and feel better. It's a new year, so I MUST do this!