Is over 60 too late?



  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Too late?!? For what? I met a man this year after a 5k race and we got talking about running. We discussed times and technique, blah blah blah. He said he started running 14 years ago. I told him I started less then a year ago and was enjoying it. He said he is still trying to get faster and stretches daily and watches his diet. As he walked away I asked him one last question, his age. He said "Oh I'll be 84 this year. Do you really think I can get a little faster?" True story.
  • botography
    botography Posts: 95 Member
    Same pattern as you. Hard to make a difference and being so short as I am it really shows. I do need exercise which I hate. I dance almost every evening but by day I really don't get lots of exercise activity.
  • botography
    botography Posts: 95 Member
    Trying really hard. I have to stay away from dessert. And I am losing slowly... so slowly that I have given up so many times.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    I'll be 68 in 2 months.
    Not too late.
  • vicabra
    vicabra Posts: 56 Member
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    No, you are never too old.
    I started 3/12/12 at age 60. I will be 63 at the end of this month.
    I have gone from size 24W (tight) to size 10.
    If I can do this, anyone can do it.
    As for any age, it just takes self control, determination and perseverance.
    Best of luck to everyone.
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    No, it's never too late. I'm 55 and I haven't felt this good in years, getting my mojo back. You can do this. Take it one day at a time, don't think of it as a "diet", it's a lifestyle change. Move more, eat less. You can do this, do it for you!:flowerforyou:
  • Obeah1
    Obeah1 Posts: 55 Member

    I'm 62. I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for over 40 years, drank too much and didn't eat well. My blood pressure and blood sugar weren't seriously off but were out of the ideal range.. My body fat percentage and waistline were in the unhealthy zone.t quit smoking six years ago, reduced my alcohol consumption soon after and got really serious (after many false starts) about diet and exercise two years ago.

    This July my son and I went to Tanzania and climbed Mount Kilimanjaro together.

    I know that its not too late for you. I hope that you realize that also,

    Best wishes.
  • paxsom1
    paxsom1 Posts: 7 Member
    It's never too late. You might want to be careful with the intensity level of your exercise program, depending on your general health, but never too late.
  • sdps745
    sdps745 Posts: 33 Member
    Many great stories and MUCH inspiration here!! NEVER give up!!
  • leogal14
    leogal14 Posts: 5 Member
    It really is never too late! I have fought the weight battle since age 10. Been on every diet known to man.(lol) My highest weight was in 2006. I successfully lost 50 pounds between 2006-09 until I suddenly became a widow. I used food as my emotional comfort for the pain and loneliness and gained back 25 pounds. Reached rock bottom in January of this year, coping with the horrible winter here in the Midwest, feeling trapped and out of control. It was then that I found myfitnesspal and it has been my savior!! Tracking caloric intake was so easy on my phone and cutting down on carbs and added sugars, also measuring portions carefully has been the answer for me. Since late January, I have lost 44 pounds and I feel incredible! At age 61, I now weigh what I weighed in the 70's!! This has never felt like I was on a diet and I lost all the cravings for junk after only about 5 days. I stay away from processed foods: things in a box and added sugars. Lots of fresh fruits, veggies and portion control. My taste buds seem to have xploded because everything tastes wonderful. I never dreamed I would lose the cravings, as I have always been an emotional eater. But I am in control now and it feels great! You can do this, no matter what your age. It's easier with the phone app and the database and scanning ability makes tracking so much easier!
  • robertcondella
    robertcondella Posts: 6 Member
    You cant fail, if you never give up. I am 59 and using MFP, have made progress. Its a head game. No retreat No surrender. Its NEVER too late.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    It is never, ever too late to find health and fitness. You can do it! :)