I read a blog on a lady who was struggling with emotional eating say something similar to the lines of "even after that cup of frosting, I always found myself wanting more, more, more." It made me realize that the cravings never stop coming. I think just being aware of this and having something prepared ahead of time…
My realization of it being more painful to stay the same outweighs having to change was a couple of months ago when I had to watch my 5yr old go on a ride at the amusement park without me because the seat wouldn't fit. The look of sadness in her eyes was what encouraged me to believe in myself and get healthy so I can be…
Chew on sugarlesa gum, brush my teeth, listen to some calming music.
You were made for more than this vicious cycle of defeat! :)
I read Made to Crave by Lysa Turkhuerst... and its really helped me over come my emotional eating by like 95%.. i pray it will help u too ♡