Share your Go-to food or technique when you want to eat the whole kitchen...:)



  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    I like to eat a few slices of turkey lunch meat (I dip it in Buffalo sauce, my fav). And if I trust myself, I grab a handful of what I'm craving and walk away. Eat it SLOWLY! Then move on.

    Great technique!
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    I keep sugarless gum around for just such occasions.
    When that doesn't work - I make a great big salad with balsamic vinegar and a drizzle of olive oil. I eat it slowly so I'm actually eating for about 30 minutes. Just keeping myself eating for those 30 minutes helps to curb the appetite for sweets and chips. (Which I love both dearly)
    I also bush my teeth immediately after eating and believe it or not, that helps.
    When all else fails, I make a cup of hot coffee with 1% milk and a drop of vanilla - then I sip it slowly.

    Oh I'm trying the teeth brushing at 7pm! :) thanks
  • Every_Day_Is_A_New_Day
    Chew on sugarlesa gum, brush my teeth, listen to some calming music.
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    walkdmc wrote: »
    Warm chicken broth and 2-3 oz. of rotisserie chicken (white meat) or 2 oz. buffalo chicken lunch meat, 1/2 c. 2% Greek yogurt.

    Great food idea!
  • momo_t90
    momo_t90 Posts: 288 Member
    What if you've got a serious sweet tooth? Right now I want chocolate chip cookies so bad, I could hop into my car and go to the grocery store and it's 10:40pm. It's like nothing else will do. I need chocolate!
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    Mandi98U wrote: »
    I either eat something high in protein or really low in calories so I can have a lot of it (like celery) or if I don't have the calories to eat something right then, I usually busy myself and do some gross house chores that will ruin my appetite like scrubbing the shower or cleaning the fridge or microwave. I sometimes pre log that bunch of junk I want to eat when I feel like that and then seeing the numbers just ruins it for me so I don't eat it.

    Ahhhh logging the numbers first! Brilliant! Thanks
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    momo_t90 wrote: »
    What if you've got a serious sweet tooth? Right now I want chocolate chip cookies so bad, I could hop into my car and go to the grocery store and it's 10:40pm. It's like nothing else will do. I need chocolate!

    OK I've got you...I used to make, and I'll be doing it again...chocolate almond milk chia seed pudding. Literally soak a few Tbs of chia seeds in a cup of chocolate almond milk for a couple hours and enjoy....all protein, bit of carbs and 100 calories but so much better than a pig out chocolate fest! Try it and let me know....oh! And you will be So full!:)
  • Michaelg235
    Michaelg235 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I have a dehydrator so I usually just have banana chips If not that gum or Carrots

    Oh a dehydrator..I'd love to make some jerky! Are those expensive?

    the really good ones are expensive but I got one for like 35 bucks it takes like 13 hours though but its fine it does the job wonderfully It's 5 trays so it works out perfect for me
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    I'm badly PMS-y today, so yes, the entire kitchen is danger. My go-to is lots of hot green tea (green tea is a natural appetite suppressant and the hot liquid makes you feel full) and popcorn, because it's light and crunchy and satisfies 'mouth feel'.
  • momo_t90
    momo_t90 Posts: 288 Member
    momo_t90 wrote: »
    What if you've got a serious sweet tooth? Right now I want chocolate chip cookies so bad, I could hop into my car and go to the grocery store and it's 10:40pm. It's like nothing else will do. I need chocolate!

    OK I've got you...I used to make, and I'll be doing it again...chocolate almond milk chia seed pudding. Literally soak a few Tbs of chia seeds in a cup of chocolate almond milk for a couple hours and enjoy....all protein, bit of carbs and 100 calories but so much better than a pig out chocolate fest! Try it and let me know....oh! And you will be So full!:)

    Thanks! I'll definitely try this!
  • djspacecaptain
    djspacecaptain Posts: 366 Member
    I have a dehydrator so I usually just have banana chips If not that gum or Carrots

    Oh a dehydrator..I'd love to make some jerky! Are those expensive?

    You can make jerky in the oven. Its pretty easy and kinda fun. Google will be your friend on how.
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    I have a dehydrator so I usually just have banana chips If not that gum or Carrots

    Oh a dehydrator..I'd love to make some jerky! Are those expensive?

    You can make jerky in the oven. Its pretty easy and kinda fun. Google will be your friend on how.

    I'm going to check that out. I do have so many kitchen gadgets already.
  • Michaelg235
    Michaelg235 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I have a dehydrator so I usually just have banana chips If not that gum or Carrots

    Oh a dehydrator..I'd love to make some jerky! Are those expensive?

    You can make jerky in the oven. Its pretty easy and kinda fun. Google will be your friend on how.

    but the only problem is that's a waste of Energy
    come on bro think green ;)
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    I have a dehydrator so I usually just have banana chips If not that gum or Carrots

    Oh a dehydrator..I'd love to make some jerky! Are those expensive?

    You can make jerky in the oven. Its pretty easy and kinda fun. Google will be your friend on how.

    but the only problem is that's a waste of Energy
    come on bro think green ;)

    Ah that's true too..
  • djspacecaptain
    djspacecaptain Posts: 366 Member
    My favorite go to snacks are usually something that will fill me up or very low in calories.

    baby carrots
    Sunflower seeds
    Rice cakes
    Super sour candy
    Jolly ranchers
    and mints to name a few of my go-to's
  • djspacecaptain
    djspacecaptain Posts: 366 Member
    I have a dehydrator so I usually just have banana chips If not that gum or Carrots

    Oh a dehydrator..I'd love to make some jerky! Are those expensive?

    You can make jerky in the oven. Its pretty easy and kinda fun. Google will be your friend on how.

    but the only problem is that's a waste of Energy
    come on bro think green ;)

    Haha think of all the great tasting protein tho!
  • geneticsteacher
    geneticsteacher Posts: 623 Member
    raindawg wrote: »
    I've been doing this long enough to recognize when the temptation devil is about to win and I'm going to do something stupid. In those cases I grab a low fat yogurt 170 calories, or a mini bagel 100 calories. Those seem to hold me over long enough to come back to my senses.

    Great choices! I might start making chocolate almond milk chia seed pudding again...I remember it being delicious and full of protein...tastes like pudding! I have to trick myself

    Curious, how much protein? Almond milk has very little and you would have to use a whole lot of chia seeds to get significant protein.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member

    Great choices! I might start making chocolate almond milk chia seed pudding again...I remember it being delicious and full of protein...tastes like pudding! I have to trick myself [/quote]

    Curious, how much protein? Almond milk has very little and you would have to use a whole lot of chia seeds to get significant protein.[/quote]

    Silk - Unsweetened Soy Milk, 1 cup 80 cals, 3 carbs, 4 fat, 7 protein, 2 fiber, 1sugar
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    Protein snacks (individual serving cheeses (especially Supremo Queso Fresco), crispy chickpeas, Sharwood's puppodums, dry-roasted soybeans). High-volume/low-cal foods, like sauerkraut or raw veggies (cucumber & jicama are particular favorites for me). Cottage cheese with cumin, turmeric, and smoked hot sauce (or hot sauce plus smoked paprika).

    Alternatives to food: Exercise, even just a short walk; a hobby that keeps one's hands and mind busy (one that requires clean hands is especially useful) - I do various crafts, or practice the banjo.
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    Cinnamon gum. Or a gourmet and really good hard candy. Satisfying. I only want one or two. I would have no control if it were chocolate kisses. I would want to eat half of the bag.