

  • Discovered the hot tub at the gym today - now that felt awesome. :)
  • I've been at a plateau for awhile. I met with a personal trainer and a dietitian to figure it out, and both told me that I was eating too few calories! Last week of December I upped my calories by 100 (they tell you to do it slowly so your body has time to adjust). I gained 1 lb the first week, but then dropped it the next…
  • Angel food cake is always a good choice. A favorite of mine is apple crisp which is very good with vanilla frozen yogurt on it http://fitnesspro.wordpress.com/2007/06/19/healthy-warm-apple-crisp-recipe/ Another treat is to use Temptation pudding (which is very low in calories) and layer in a wine glass. Put chocolate…
  • My goodness - YOU LOOK AMAZING! Congrats on everything that you have done - and keep it up! You deserve to feel great about yourself!
  • Try Mighty Leaf Tropical Green Tea! It has hints of mango and coconut - it is so good coming from another person who is not a green tea fan. Ill make a pitcher of iced tropical green tea at the beginning of each week and melt a couple truvia in it while it brews. It is so good iced! You could also try pomegranate green…
  • You look AMAZING! Congrats! You deserve it!
  • This is actually very healthy weight loss. I was in the same situation in the past, and I hired a personal trainer who told me this is common among her clients who are trying to scratch those last lbs. Stay focused and don't give up!! Also - My personal trainer had told me at the time that for any progress with those last…
  • What a great idea :) CW: 147lbs. GW: 130lbs. Height: 5'5" Age: 25 Sex: Female