dreamdealer Member


  • I'm doing lean because I thought it was the easiest regimen. I really like p90x and was really out of shape. The way I look at it is, I have plenty of time to do the others since this is a lifestyle change not an exerciseprogram. Good luck in your decision, and stick with it.
  • Added, I feel the same way.
  • Hi, I just started p90X 3/14/11. Watching my calories and excercise has helped me to lose 10 lbs so far. I'll follow you but I'm in this for the long haul, and already looking forward to completing the program at least 5 times. (I'm only finished my 3rd week on lean , so far)
  • Great Job. As I tell my wife, it's a lifelong marathon to stay in shape. A year is impressive because it only takes 30days to create a habit.
  • eat most of them, always have 40-50% left over. Exercise calories are my cheats
  • Instead of making a goal of 15, 20, 35+ lb. goals set 3, 7 pound goals since you have obviously achieved some weight loss. Make your goals shorter and more realistic. Don’t run the marathon, just attempt the shorter races. Be obsessive about recording what you eat and review your fitness pal totals. Start walking briskly…