

  • Good luck Dan, I have lost 30 pounds following this way of eating, hubby has lost forty pounds and his snoring ;) I still have a ways to go, have just tweaked to eat a bit more protein and a bit less fat, since the fat calories can easily come from my rump tee hee. I am finding this is helping me lose more and maintain my…
  • Bear in mind that your fat percentage does not all have to come from your plate - some of it needs to come from the stores in your body. The less fat you consume the more your body has to use from your butt. I have found by upping my protein and reducing my eaten fat, I am losing again. You may be interested in this FB…
  • At 156 cm tall, a good rule of thumb for your ideal weight is to subtract 100cm - so 56 kg is spot on for you. Maybe you aren't losing because you don't have any excess weight?
  • Something to remember is that of that fat percentage, you want some of it to be body fat.....rather than forcing extra fat onto things, let your metabolism use the fat you have stored and ready to go (in my case on my thighs lol). I found that by upping my protein a bit and not forcing extra fat into my diet, I am losing…
  • We make this with one can coconut milk or cream, 1/4 cup chia seeds, soak overnight, and then mix in a couple of spoons of cream. Hubby loves it, because it's a nice easy breaky that keeps him full. You can also add berries if you have the carbs to spare :)
  • Funnily enough, I have put this into practice more effectively just in the last week. I have been doing low carb high fat for about 4 months and had hit a plateau, so I decided that I would only eat until I was satisfied - not full, but sated. I dished up smaller serves, and left some on the plate. I was not hungry doing…