chia seed pudding...I'm almost tempted

hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
I don't know how I feel about this idea. The little seeds are like poppy seeds & I can't help but to feel like it'll be mealy.
What's the texture like?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, I'm LCHF & don't like substitutes too much. Flax seed bread?..bleck...I find it slimey.
Is chia seed pudding slimey?

I liked the texture of tapioca when I was able to eat carbs, is it like that?


  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    When you let it sit long enough it doesn't feel mealy. There's a little texture, but not a bad one (then again, I love flax bread). I don't know what you would define as 'slimy'. I mean, it's pudding. It has the texture of pudding, which to me is pretty slimy to begin with.

    I would say try a little if you're curious and make the decision for yourself.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    When you let it sit long enough it doesn't feel mealy.

    yes, this is what I wanted to know :laugh: It's the flax bread I find slippery, yes, slippery is a better word, not slimey.
    I ask cause I've been snookered before :laugh: and I'm getting tired of searching out hard to find ingredients and sometimes expensive (on the ground) only end up tossing the whole thing.

    I get crankypants :laugh:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I want to try it, but I'm having my teeth aligned now and I just know the stuff would get stuck everywhere. So I'm waiting. But I'm definitely giving it a shot in 8 months or whenever it's done.

    I'm afraid it's going to be disappointing though. I mean, people have been saying that overnight oats are the best thing ever... and no, just no.
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    I would say that chia seed pudding is kinda slimy, or slippery. When you soak it overnight it gets less slimy/slippery and more gelatinous. If that makes sense. The seeds keep getting softer the longer it soaks. That being said the seeds end up pretty soft, not as crunchy, but you can still chew them. I guess they are kinda "al dente". If you are a person grossed or freaked out by texture I would not recommend chia seed pudding! Especially if you are having trouble finding chia seeds and would have to purchase a large amount which would end up being wasted if you didn't like the pudding. I guess you can do other things with them, like add them to baked things, smoothies, or sauces.

    When I make chia seed pudding I soak it overnight, usually with minced prunes. (I've tried other dried fruit but prunes are the best). In the morning I sometimes add sliced almonds or other nuts and sometimes hemp seed. It's good soaked in some type of milk-replacement or water, with a little vanilla added right before you eat it.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I'm afraid it's going to be disappointing though. I mean, people have been saying that overnight oats are the best thing ever... and no, just no.


    Well since I started the thread till now, I tried it. I didn't use a recipe (1st mistake) just googled stuff to see how folks did it & had at it:blushing:

    I used powdered coconut milk reconstituted, (all I have right now) & a couple of drops of orange extract along with 2 shot glasses of chia seeds and a couple of drops of EZSweets. I was being lazy & it was the quickest measure I could get my hands on.

    HOLY MOLEY did that stuff thicken up to cement in like a minute...too much chia seeds :laugh: I added a bit of half & half and some water to equal about 2 cups & tossed in some coconut oil for good measure.

    I tasted....ogod-YUM and very very coconutty. Has the texture of tapioca but still poppy-seedy on the inside of each little grain. No doubt it'll be softer tomorrow or later tonight when I take it out of the fridge to taste. :drinker:

    I'll post when it's done :wink:

    Meantime, I'd love to hear about any recipes or anything else one can do with chia seeds....I think I like this stuff :blushing:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I would say that chia seed pudding is kinda slimy, or slippery. When you soak it overnight it gets less slimy/slippery and more gelatinous. If that makes sense. The seeds keep getting softer the longer it soaks. That being said the seeds end up pretty soft, not as crunchy, but you can still chew them. I guess they are kinda "al dente". If you are a person grossed or freaked out by texture I would not recommend chia seed pudding! Especially if you are having trouble finding chia seeds and would have to purchase a large amount which would end up being wasted if you didn't like the pudding. I guess you can do other things with them, like add them to baked things, smoothies, or sauces.

    When I make chia seed pudding I soak it overnight, usually with minced prunes. (I've tried other dried fruit but prunes are the best). In the morning I sometimes add sliced almonds or other nuts and sometimes hemp seed. It's good soaked in some type of milk-replacement or water, with a little vanilla added right before you eat it.

    I happened to have some on hand, leftover from my fruit smoothie days :laugh: I'm not put off by the texture so far & I'm pleasantly surprised to admit, it seems pretty promising :drinker:
  • SergeantNarwhal
    SergeantNarwhal Posts: 116 Member
    I make it with chocolate hemp milk and cinnamon. I usually let it sit over night. I find it really tasty and filling. Definitely a weird texture, I'll admit that.
  • mrssteffy
    mrssteffy Posts: 6
    We make this with one can coconut milk or cream, 1/4 cup chia seeds, soak overnight, and then mix in a couple of spoons of cream. Hubby loves it, because it's a nice easy breaky that keeps him full. You can also add berries if you have the carbs to spare :)
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Welp....didn't make it overnight...I just ate a bunch :laugh:

    I didn't mean to, just went to taste it & even though still a little grainy, it tasted so yummy!...wish I'd have checked the carb content before I did that though :embarassed:

    i guess it's just as well, I'll test every 15 min to see how well I tolerate it, I think I had about 2oz. Thanks for the idea, I can see where this would make a really good breakfast!!!

    The coconut milk taste really comes through :heart:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    We make this with one can coconut milk or cream, 1/4 cup chia seeds, soak overnight, and then mix in a couple of spoons of cream. Hubby loves it, because it's a nice easy breaky that keeps him full. You can also add berries if you have the carbs to spare :)

    How much coconut milk per 1/4 cup of seeds?...I can see why this ratio is important :laugh:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    well, it looks like I've had chia seed pudding for dinner.

    I'm. So. Damn. Full.

    Good news though, my BG has only risen a total of 14mg/dl in the last 40 min or so :wink:
  • DamieAnne
    DamieAnne Posts: 103 Member
    I've been using chia seeds for a couple of weeks now, and i love them :)

    I usually use 1/4 cup seeds with 1-1 1/2 cups milk and a bit of yogurt and cocoa powder and let it sit for a couple of hours. But i've also just added some to 'overnight oats' for my breakfast/tea (on nights so its a little bit of both i guess!).

    I've also had a batch baking session with them - made chia seed scones, cheese and chia crackers, and almond butter chia bars (or ABC bars as i like to call them).

    Also, they're quite good to add into stuff like my smoothies in the morning, and on toast on the rare occasion i have that.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Love the stuff. I find the texture close to tapioca. My fav recipe is...

    1 1/4 cup almond milk
    2 tablespoons honey
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1/4 cup chia seeds

    Mix together, cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hous or overnight. Serves 2.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I make single servings with 1 tbsp chia seeds, half a cup of soy milk, 3-4 oz Greek yogurt and some honey. Mix and let sit over night. Sometimes, I'll add chopped up dried dates to it for extra flavor. I eat it with plums, strawberries, blueberries, basically any fruit I have at hand. It's good!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ok you got me convinced, I'm getting some, lol.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I mix chia seeds with my almond milk and cocoa powder, and yes it does have a texture you have to get used to. It is kind of slimey lol It's a little more grainy than tapioca, the seeds are a little harder. But it's worth it because they're filling, healthy and easy to make for breakfast :)
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Thanks for all the input guys!!!

    I had chia 'hot cereal' for breakfast. Then I had warmed chia pudding for lunch.

    Can't. Stop. Eating. This. Stuff.

    DH & the kids didn't like it, but it has very much the texture of tapioca to me. I like it cold, warm, hot...every which way!
    makes a great substitute for oatmeal, barley or cream of wheat for breakfast.

    I used coconut milk, EZSweets, and a wee bit of True Lime (crystallized lime) and it was sooooo good.
    (yes, I put the lime in the coconut :laugh: )

    Can't wait to make more! :drinker: