

  • I'm currently working 11pm - 7:30am and workout right after work, but the difference is, i go to school right after that and only sleep in the afternoon after 3pm when i get back from school. Is that okay. That is like the only time i can work out. any advise????
  • I completed JM's 30DS last year and it was awesome. Also tried RI30 but 30DS is more fun for me. Currently doing insanity. Didnt follow the meal plan while i was doing the 30DS but i did get good results. I don't go with scales, i go with dress sizes. I dropped from a size 8 to a size 5/6 and can also fit into some size…
  • Hi, I finished Jillian Michael's 30DS and i'm just starting insanity. I'm on day 3/60. I like this forum as it has increased my motivation. I love to work out but no man is an island and so i would very much appreciate any tips on getting better. I also juice veggies and fruits everyday. Question is, i work full time and…