Ladies with big Insanity workout results!! Where yall at?



  • Starting tomorrow! Cant wait!
    Hoping to gain strength, tone up and lose some weight!

    Good luck!
  • Well, fit test done this morning and I cannot believe how unfit I am. I needed to pause the DVD in between exercises as I was so out of breath, I wonder if this is just me or if others have had to do the same. Hopefully the day 15 fit test will be easier.

    But I'm in and started, it's exciting and terrifying all at the same time!

    Good luck to anyone else out there starting out :)

  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I finished Insanity on 22nd December. My profile pic is my after stomach pic. I can't work out how to post my before and afters on here! I actually gained 1lb, but lost inches all over. I wasn't looking to lose weight - just tone up - and it worked. I'm having a break and doing other stuff at the moment, but looking forward to doing another round sometime soon :happy:
  • TendaiMa
    TendaiMa Posts: 72 Member
  • Honestly, I LOVE Insanity. I like to put all of my stress and anger into it. It really helps you push farther. :) With Shaun's encouragement how could you not keep going? He really does help A LOT!! With him always pushing you to go further, well you go farther!!
  • Don't worry I had to do the same thing!! :)
  • Thanks Rachinator! :)

    Day 2 of insanity was, well, INSANE! I was already aching when I woke up this morning from the fit test on day one and I dread to think what I will feel like tomorrow but....... I love it. It was fast paced and as someone who loves spinning just up my street. It was excellent to see some of the people on the DVD having to stop too, made me feel better about the numerous breaks I had to take.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's work out (but not the aches and pains)

    I'm in the UK, does anyone out there know if I can still get my t-shirt over here?

  • Haylie_G
    Haylie_G Posts: 11 Member
    I used to like insanity but I'm seeing better results from this other workout program..
  • Ayesha0624
    Ayesha0624 Posts: 95 Member
    I'll be on day 5 tomorrow, definitely challenging but I can push through it! Sore the max for sure! But hoping I get some results like the rest of the ladies who really push themselves
  • angelbabies89
    angelbabies89 Posts: 26 Member
    20 Lbs lost doing insanity loved it going back on it feel free to add me anyone
  • Hi there!

    I know I'm late with the reply but don't give up!! To expect huge results a month after a programme is asking a lot, as a month is really a very short amount of time. Muscle weighs more than fat, and especially new muscle may be retaining a lot of water. Trust the programme, drink water and eat right.

    You can do it!
    BUMPSTEAD Posts: 17 Member
    divaslimsdown has done some of these insanity video's she also has some video of her doing some on Youtube. Maybe you can look her up she also shares the things she eat. And she is a member of My Fitness Pal. check her out. Good luck its intense.
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks Rachinator! :)

    Day 2 of insanity was, well, INSANE! I was already aching when I woke up this morning from the fit test on day one and I dread to think what I will feel like tomorrow but....... I love it. It was fast paced and as someone who loves spinning just up my street. It was excellent to see some of the people on the DVD having to stop too, made me feel better about the numerous breaks I had to take.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's work out (but not the aches and pains)

    I'm in the UK, does anyone out there know if I can still get my t-shirt over here?


    Yes, I'm in the UK and I've applied for my T-shirt, have had an acknowledgement and am waiting for it to arrive. You go onto the website and download the application form. I've then e-mailed mine with before and after photos and proof of purchase attached.

    Good luck on your Insane journey - I loved it! And the pain gets better by the end of the 1st week!
  • Hi, I have a similar calorie issue. It recommends I eat 1,900 calories but I feel like that is so much for my body size. How flexible is that number? do you think 1,600 would be enough calories?
  • [/quote]

    Yes, I'm in the UK and I've applied for my T-shirt, have had an acknowledgement and am waiting for it to arrive. You go onto the website and download the application form. I've then e-mailed mine with before and after photos and proof of purchase attached.

    Good luck on your Insane journey - I loved it! And the pain gets better by the end of the 1st week!

    Thanks so much, I was worried I wouldn't be able to get one.

    Day 3 this morning and having sat down this evening to watch a film, I have seized up. My calls and my stomach seem to be the worst affected. Still looking forward to tomorrow's work out though.....I clearly have the bug!

  • I don't know why my quote hasn't worked but I'm sure you get it!
  • Week one done and I have lost 4lbs! Woo-hoo! I am one happy lady

  • Im in week 2 of my Insanity. I don't see any results yet but I am also not following his meal plan to the T. I am eating healthier(A lot healthier, I could be an organics grocery store, lol.) I hope you guys don't mind but I sent out a few friend request to keep my motivation going. I have a friend doing this with me but she is already like a size 2, unfit, but a size 2; And she eats whatever. I'm on my day 7. I can feel my endurance getting a lot better. I cannot see a difference in the mirror yet, but I am going to take a before picture today because I forgot to when I started day 1
  • On day 4 for me. My husband and I are doing it together. This is our second time. First time we(or I) had to stop early. I had surgery. Now this round I'm doing the diet. Almost exactly. I'm 5'3 and 145 pounds.Last time I didn't change eating. My eating habits were terrible! I did tone up a lot. I hoping this time with changing my eating habits(which I will say is making me feel so much better!) I see some weight loss with toning. Love reading everyone's stories. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Hi, I finished Jillian Michael's 30DS and i'm just starting insanity. I'm on day 3/60. I like this forum as it has increased my motivation. I love to work out but no man is an island and so i would very much appreciate any tips on getting better. I also juice veggies and fruits everyday. Question is, i work full time and go to school full time too, my work shift is 11pm - 7:30am in the morning, so i get home and do insanity before showering and leaving for school, then sleep when i get back. Do you think that is alright? it is the only time i have to workout. Any ideas or advice?????? please?
    Thank you:smile:
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