

  • I have the fitbit zip and love it. Living in south Florida, steps are virtually non existent and I don't feel the need to monitor my sleep. I just clip it to my bra and forget it! My gut tells me that fitbit is doing the recall because a larger percentage of people than they are admitting to are affected and that it is…
  • Drinking more water is always good advice but there is a limit. Never drink more water than your body feels comfortable with. Don't force yourself to drink past this point just because you think it's good for you because it's not! Water intoxication is very dangerous.
  • My son and his girlfriend did this a couple years ago. They bought a book on it and followed the regiment. They both had the severe headaches after a couple days, but after the third day neither had a headache. The girlfriend started getting weak after the 5th day and on the 6th day couldn't lift her head off the pillow…
  • At 600 calories a day, you won't lose weight nor will you gain muscle as you have put your body into starvation mode and it will feed off muscle and store the fat. You really do need to eat. Research and learn what your body needs!