krisbradley08 Member


  • It's halfway across, we are going from Kansas to Wilmington NC, and we head out the 24th of April.
  • I'm late too, but after seeing my Dr, and getting given an uncomfortable dose of reality. I had to addmit I was slacking, not caring and getting back to old habits. I still lost 6 lbs from Dec to March, and did well with exercise, but I had stopped tracking foods. When I started again it was a pain, but I am seeing myself…
  • So, December... I was eating junk and enjoying traditions, so that means almost no #loss, but no gain either so I'm mostly happy. You both are speaking my language, I get tired of tracking on here. Especially after logging it in a book all day. As for my word of the year it is COUNTINUE. As in continue this journey,…
  • What a great idea spangadora. Have you ever made chia seed "pudding" it's kinda fun and a little wired, but it's how I've been dealing with the shakes. Cause I'm sick of them too.
  • Welcome to the group Chubby_Cyclist, liquids is my struggle sometimes too, so all I can say is the what Slowerbitqwik and Spangadora are saying is great advice. Keep going strong, and welcome to a group of awesome losers.
  • Spangadora, thank you for sharing this, I just got my sleeve today, and I was weighing every day before the surgery. Because, I wanted to make sure I wasn't gaining while on the two week liquid diet. So, i also am concerned about a few months down the road when I am eating real foods.
  • Question for you all. I'm pre op and start my liquid diet this week(9/1/2021) I know protien shakes, broth, some soups, jello, those are ok. My list says smoothies but it's not very clear on the consistency or if I should not use things with seeds, like berries. I'm going to ask the nutritionist on Thursday, but last time…
  • Hays Kansas, at least till I finish my bachelor's degree and masters program.
  • I'm going to have to buy a new belt or pants before surgery it's all to big. Though admittedly I will probably wait till post op that way it's still kinda comfy while healing.
  • I'm getting sleeved on September 21, my Dr is happy with the progress I've made preparing for the surgery. But I stalled out last month so I'm a little frustrated with my self. Did any of you start doing the really small portions before the surgery, which would be similar to after surgery? If so how often were you supposed…
  • I'm just starting my healthy choices life style not the dreaded word DIET, I agree with you on how we need to offer encouragment not discouragement,. I'm not vegitarian but am reducing meat and prossesed food things from a box ( diagnosed with Hyperension) so I know its a big first step but it looks like we both took it…