

  • I try to set mini goals, like lose 5 lb. by a certain date. I have 40+ more to lose, but have lost 68 lbs. in the past nine months. I am looking forward to buying clothes in the departments that are not "plus size." I would like to not have any size that involves in X in it!
  • 7 years ago my husband (who owns a business) bought fleece jackets for important clients. He bought me one, too. I never was able to wear it -- much too small, though not a small size -- until now. He thought I just didn't like it. I was too mortified to let him know I couldn't zip it. I am going to be wearing it this…
  • 58 here. Have lost about 58# in the last 7 months, and looking to lose 50-55 more. Loss is going slower now and I need some inspiration/encouragement.