Writing down my goals to have smth. to hold on to

I felt like writing down my long term and short term goals, to give me something clear to work towards, not just a weekly ‘how much can I lose?’ weigh-in - which has kept me kind of de-motivated if I stall :(

MAIN GOAL: Reach 62-63kg by the start of december, which is pretty low. I’d have to lose 5kg/10pounds in november, I think I can do that. If I manage to lose more, BONUS! I can treat myself to some more snacks in december then and go slow.

second MAIN GOAL: getting down to 60kg for christmas while also enjoying some snacks/treats at christmas markets etc. and not having to worry about all the holiday dinners with families (I think if I'm careful during the rest of the days I will be able to do that without going over my calories too much)

Long term goals:

get into the 52-56kg range which is healthy for my body/age/etc.
get rid of my back-side bulges
get rid of that armpit fat when wearing tanktops etc.
get rid of my belly
manage to fit into size M of my favourite clothing brand! I already went from an XL to an L which made me insanely proud.

Do you have any kind of short term goals during your weightloss journey that help you through tougher times?


  • pdav2014
    I try to set mini goals, like lose 5 lb. by a certain date. I have 40+ more to lose, but have lost 68 lbs. in the past nine months. I am looking forward to buying clothes in the departments that are not "plus size." I would like to not have any size that involves in X in it!