evaplts Member


  • All my life I know vitamin B to help the body withstand demands of stress, but never as a weight loss help. They help to convert food you eat to energy, but I do not think it helps to melt your body fat. I suggest, do more research on the Internet.
    in B-Vitamins Comment by evaplts May 2011
  • you can use it in cold salads as you would any other grain like brown rice or quinoa, or you can layer it (cooked - see instruction on package) with browned turkey sausage season to your taste and maybe sauerkraut in a casserole, and bake it until heated through - you can put a little low fat sourcream on top.
  • Please do not be dissapointed. Weight loss is a funny thing; our bodies react to these changes, and at some point mine, your body "decides" to fight back, and keep water in for a time when you supply more calories to make some fat cells. It seems, you are at that stage. It would be nice to see even and continuous loss for…