terikate3 Member


  • Everyday I have to disconnect and reconnect Fitbit with MFP to get it to sync. It is annoying as heck. I am hoping they fix the glitch soon because I am putting off upgrading my Fitbit device because of this issue.
  • I'm with you! I already hit the big 40 and life has been better than ever! I have taken a new approach this time and the pounds are coming off slowly and my life is changing. I am really beginning to love my 40s! Happy Birthday!
  • I would love to be part of the cool kids and need friends! I just wrote a long post but I lost it for some reason! Bummer!!! I will have to reintroduce myself later. I'm over 40 so hopefully I can be one of the crowd! Looking forward to meeting you all!
  • Hello! I too am looking to lose around 45-50lbs! I re-joined about 10 days ago and so far doing great but definitely need support and advice! Good luck! Let's do this!!