Hi everyone :) (50lbs to go)

So I've lost 30 lbs over the last year but the last couple months I've stopped caring and got into a funk but the I got a big kick in the *kitten* today and I've decided to join here so that hopefully when I'm slacking off you guys can help me.
I'm looking for friends on here who will help motivate me, I don't care if you losing 5 lbs or 100lbs :) I think we can all still help eachother and every pound can be difficult so we don't need to have similar stats :)

start: 200
goal: 150-170 (depends with muscle and inches)
time: 5-8 months


  • terikate3
    terikate3 Posts: 6 Member

    I too am looking to lose around 45-50lbs! I re-joined about 10 days ago and so far doing great but definitely need support and advice!

    Good luck! Let's do this!!