

  • "I guess there's just two kinds of people, Miss Sandstone: MY kind of people, and a**holes. It's rather obvious which category you fit into. Have a nice day." Pink Flamingos
  • I LOVE THIS! I think many people lose sight of what breasts were made to do... As a first time mom, on the way home from the hospital, I had to breast feed my baby in the car (parked in a parking lot). When first born, your baby is hungry ALL the time! Why are we grilling the moms? Focus on the people staring and fine them…
  • There is also a website called! My best friend came over yesterday and we baked cookies...I did the healthy ones, she did the traditional artery clogging ones. The healthy ones that I got from this website were delicious!
  • I LOVE this topic! I am German/Irish and my husband is Mayan Indian from Guatemala. We have a three year old daughter who has VERY long, chocolate-brown hair with red highlights. her hair is usually the first thing that people comment about. I love having two very different cultures in my is about diversity…
  • Old Black Magic Frankenstein- NY Dolls Distant Fingers - Patti Smith Living Dead Girl - White Zombie This is Halloween - The Nightmare Before Christmas Vampires - Godsmack
  • I have eaten them! If you leave them in water, they absorb the water and become gelatinous. So...if you are not a fan of different textures, watch out for that!!! :happy:
  • Anything by Bowie, the Ramones, or Lady Gaga! They put a smile on my face and distract me from the crazy sweating! I actually like a lot of pop, too...I think the beat helps.
  • So funny with the username!!! LOL! You know, Kim Kat was my nickname since I was a kid and it just stuck forever. I also love TJ's mango sorbet, it tastes just like real mangoes, not artificial.
  • I would say Whole Foods, but it is way more expensive. Ironically, right across the street from my Trader Joe's is a Whole Foods. Talk about competition...
  • I adore Thich Nhat Hanh, but I have not read this book. I am definitely going to sample it on my Nook! Thanks for sharing!
  • Wow! What a ton of great suggestions! Thanks so much! I personally love the Vegetable Masala Burgers and the tuscan white bean good! Now I'm hungry! :)
  • You look fabulous!!!
  • Hi! I have done weight watchers in the past, and was happy with the weight loss....HOWEVER, I am in love with this site! It has taught me more about nutrition then WW ever did. I understand which foods have hidden calories, etc... I didn't grasp this in a "real life" way by calculating points. I also got so sick of people…
  • I totally agree with the collar bones!!! They are wonderful! Hmmm...I'm addicted to my elliptical, Trader Joe's Vegetable Masala Burgers and skirts that show off my muscular legs!! YAY!
  • Hmmmm... the biggest change was working out 6 days a week on the elliptical...The biggest change in food was NO bread and eating lots of fiber and protein with water (no drinks with calories)! Great question, I actually stopped and reflected!
  • Thank you!!!! I have always told my friends that anything artificial cannot be processed or really understood by our essence it is FAKE FOOD. I use the word "food" lightly! Thanks again for the perspective!
  • GORGEOUS!!! Wear what makes you feel good on the inside....if I could wear a two-piece, I would go with it!