jmek926 Member


  • Nice! I know what you mean! I sit at a computer all day for work and then was sitting at home. I started doing little chunks of exercise. The thought of having to do it all at once when I got home or in the morning just didn't jive with me. So I do a walk in the morning (most days) and 10-15 minutes of indoor cycling at…
  • WALKING FOR BEER!! I need to try that! haha! @bellaesprita what is BodyPump? Does anyone do the ShaunT T25? I've done them before but they kicked my butt soooo much. But I'm thinking of trying them again starting on Friday maybe. I'm feeling the need to kick something off on Sept since it's MAH BIRTHDAY MONTH. Sorry, y'all…
  • @kristen8000 Oh man! That is so scary! I had some blood work in the past few years that has come back boarderline for "pre diabetes". It scared me, but not enough to do anything about it. That's awesome that you can just get motivated like that. It has taken me some serious low back pain to figure out that this weight just…
  • I live in Alabama, but hopefully that will soon be Seattle area soon!!
  • I love that there is some tall women in this group! I'm 5'11 also, but I seem to be a much wider 5'11! :) HAHA! Getting down to 200 lbs is when I felt my healthiest and my goal. I've been told I have shoulders like a football player and hips that go on for miles. It's true, and after losing 18 lbs and getting in a much…
  • Haha! I'm totally with you. I know the aging process hurts it. I also got super lazy when I started working full time, so I claim "sitting" but it was more... sitting when I got home too, next to no activity. Fast forward 6 years or so..... and finally over some injuries, and I'm trying to get back where I can walk a few…
  • Omg I know what you mean. I was always a bigger but fit-ish in high school and college. And then sitting for a living has just killed my metabolism I guess. I mean I've never been able to eat what I want without the weight creeping up but it's been so much worse in my late 20s. 40lbs is awesome tho!! Definitely motivating…
  • Yea!! It is Omada! What did you think about it? I am in week 8.
  • Hi there! I'm not technically a 30-something until next month even though I have an old soul. But I have 3 fur babies, 2 hound dogs and 1 special Nougie (cat with a head tilt/slight neuro problem) although he thinks he's a dog. About 2 months ago, I joined a health group my company pays for if you are overweight and at…
  • Hi ladies!! I turn 30 next month... and in June I decided to really focus on getting healthy. I've lost 17 lbs, and I'd like to lose 13 more by my birthday even tho I think that's a stretch now. I'd love some support so add me!!
  • I am right there with you on the dieting and the fur babies part! I don't diet anymore... I try to eat healthy. If I deprive myself... I will binge eat and it will not be good. So I have tried sticking to this moderation thing. I need chocolate.. ok so I eat one piece instead of the whole bag. MFP is also good at teaching…
  • CONSISTANCY and WILL POWER. I do good through the week at work... and then it gets blown every weekend. And I can not stick to a work out plan to save my life.
    in Struggles Comment by jmek926 August 2014
  • Couch to 5K all the way!! and Repeat weeks/days if you need too. Do what your body tells you... but also push yourself (I struggle with this last bit). Also... I just found RockMyRun app which has music grouped by BPM.... I did my first run with it yesterday at the 135 BPM (i think) and it was so helpful! Good luck! I am…
  • Looking to start insanity again soon! It kicked my butt last time but I know I will get results from it in the long run. Only stopped last time because of a business trip. Friend me! Looking for motivation!
  • Add me!! I am trying to lose 30-50 lbs... and have not had very good success with consistency. I don't have a lot of outside support so I am turning to the internet health/fitness community this time. I need to stay motivated!!! Let's get health people!!