

  • If you go to Hulu, ExerciseTV has a bunch of workouts of varying intensity. Not sure how long of a workout you normally do, but most of the videos seem to range from just a few minutes up to 30+ minutes (I think I have seen some hour long ones too, though those are mostly yoga). Once I get my car/the rec center on campus…
  • Hi guys! I also just joined this group and MFP today! I am 5'4, 115 pounds, and I am not sure what my body fat is like, but it's probably higher than I want it to be. I am mostly looking to tone up and eat healthier, especially since I am just about to start grad school. My problem is that when I get busy, I put exercise…
  • Hi everyone! I'm also a little older, 28, and I am about to start my first week of grad school for speech pathology, so I am a little nervous about that! I have a few pounds that I would like to lose, but my main goal is maintain a healthy weight and really work on strength training. I know that in the past when I worked a…