Looking for female friends around 23 yo!



  • Hi ladies! It feels good to see all these posts and to hear your stories! Im 5ft 4in about, and just graduated from my undergrad, hopefully will be starting grad school soon. Throuh the course of my undergrad I loss alot of muscle mass and gained about 15lbs. I put on the weigt slowly, and this last ssemester I realized how unhappy I was with my body and how unhealthy I felt. I was a gymnast growing up, and dont plan on having as much muslce as I used to have, so with that I am hoping to lose a total of 20lbs, so far Im down 4! Its a slow process, but its good to see Im not alone!
  • nikijh
    nikijh Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I'm 24...I went from lot's of sport i.e swimming for county and local ladies football teams I was then involved in a road traffic accident which resulted in being discharged from the army on medical along with a nasty knee that has taken around 2 years recovery. Decided that this year I'm going to compete in as many Mud Runs etc for a charity which supports research into Cystic Fibrosis, so have started a crazy fitness and diet schedule and the past 20 days I have lost 18lbs! ... still can't run more than a mile though haha
    Started at 17st 8lbs on January 1st I'm now 16st 4lbs, 5ft 7" normally I'd be ashamed to put my weight out there but I feel it may make me work harder!
  • Hi! I'm 21 and would love to be your (and all of you here) friend! I'm trying to be active in this site + in the gym!
  • Hi everyone! I'm also a little older, 28, and I am about to start my first week of grad school for speech pathology, so I am a little nervous about that! I have a few pounds that I would like to lose, but my main goal is maintain a healthy weight and really work on strength training. I know that in the past when I worked a desk job I was always too tired to work out and cook healthfully, so my boyfriend and I would eat out all the time and I ended up gaining 15-20 pounds in just a few months. Grad school is going to be a busy time, so I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated to go the gym and eat well. I am planning on taking some of the group fitness classes at the rec center to work on total body toning, and I plan to limit myself to eating out and getting drinks just once a week. Glad to see other girls around my age on this site. Good luck!
  • Nightfall30
    Nightfall30 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi! I'm 21 and I start at BMI of 31.64 - now I'm down to 23.9, looking to lose few more pounds. :) Feel free to add me, everybody!
  • Reagan89
    Reagan89 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi I'm 24 and have put on a few stones because of family issues. Add me for morale support
  • I am 25 years old and in graduate school right now. I am kinda in a similar situation as you, I was able to lose all of the weight (plus some) that I gained during my undergrad years very quickly due to working once I graduated. Sadly, that only lasted about 2 years and I began to gain most all that weight back while in graduate school. I have about 25 pounds that I would like to lose to get back to a healthy and happy weight.

    I totally understand the struggle of dating someone whom has a very different diet than you, I am a vegetarian and my boyfriend loves eating meat so I find myself eating very unhealthy sometimes. As well, being in school and especially those last few months of school are stressful and it can be very hard to try to lose weight and get enough exercise in. BUT, it can be done and having friends in similar situations really helps the process. I am new to this site as well and would love to help motivate/be motivated. Good luck :)
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    here 24 :D
  • Hello all! I'll be 22 in two days. :) I'm currently in school, attempting to get into an Occupational Therapy program. I have around 70 lbs or so to lose to be at my ideal bmi. (Currently 5'3" and 217.5 lbs.)
  • Hey there! I'm Molly, I'm 23, and I have about 100 lbs to lose. I've lost 9 pounds in the last 2-3 weeks from controlling my binging and eating healthier! I would love some friends on here around my age as well, so feel free to add me everyone!!!
  • JadeBatmanMarie
    JadeBatmanMarie Posts: 16 Member
    I'll be 22 next month. I'm wanting to lose 70+Ibs.
    I'm a home carer so finding time and motivation can be real hard especially with shift working, it can be so tiring and he thought of waking up that extra hour or so earlier feels like a killer! Or being at work all day on my feet (as i don't drive) it's just a torturous thought but i NEED to do it and i am feeling a lot more determined to do something about it as each year i just go up and down. This years going to be different :) we can all do it!
  • Hey ladies! My name is Kathy, I'm 23 years old from NY. Would love to connect with you all to keep each other motivated in losing the weight we all want to lose. I'm hoping to lose 20 pounds by the summer. I have already lost some weight after having my twin boys. What really helped me in losing the weight I had lost was having a great support group of friends on facebook, it really makes it much more fun and easier. You are not alone ladies! Will be adding you all if that's ok :)
  • alexib
    alexib Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 22 and would love to offer my support! I already sent you a request.
  • brittanykfolsom
    brittanykfolsom Posts: 12 Member
    Okay ladies, so I will break down and admit that I am at my very heaviest weight ever of 193. I was always 140-150 in high school and shortly after I graduated. I turn 23 tomorrow (!) and am honestly ashamed of how far I have let myself go. I see all of these super morbidly obese patients come into the hospital and as bad as it is to say I think to myself that I don't want to be that way. Sweets are my weakness lately and I have kinda gotten a little out of control with them. I guess mainly because candy from the holidays. I try to workout at least 30 minutes a day, some days of course I can't even squeeze in 10 minutes; or I probably could if I really tried. I have accepted all FR sent to me and tried adding the ladies who had not yet sent a request. If I missed you please don't take it personally...I probably overlooked it from lack of sleep and a painful headache brought on by a long day of class and my first exam. I really look forward to growing as a person and shrinking in size with you ladies. If any of you would like to talk directly it would be beneficial to send a message because now that I have so many awesome friends posts and comments get lost in the shuffle. Thanks ladies for sharing your stories. It helps and is motivational to know that some of you are experiencing the same problems I am. If you diet or exercise regimens that work for you I'd love to hear them.
  • ElizabethElane
    ElizabethElane Posts: 92 Member
    Oi. :bigsmile:
  • hellomiaow
    hellomiaow Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm 24 and have been on here for a while, but would be keen to add some friends to help me keep at it... struggling with college, busyness and irratic hours eating! Would love to help you too :-)
  • jeskuhsmeekers
    jeskuhsmeekers Posts: 131 Member
    Hi I'm 26 and a mother of 3. 1 son and twin girls.. and i understand the problem with the boyfriend eating crap. mine tries to be supportive but he eats so bad. I make dinner so he doesn't really get a choice what is for dinner haha i do make him a starch or some sort and i just don't eat it.. I double up on my veggies but i like veggies so thats not really a biggie for me. I'd love to help you on your journey so add me if you want.
  • Magic_Chicken
    Magic_Chicken Posts: 141 Member
    Hey girlies, im 25 and here to offer and recieve advice and support, feel free to add x x
  • brandy1289
    brandy1289 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! Im brandy. I am 23yrs old and looking to lose over 100+lbs (long journey, I know!) Anyone feel free to add me! =)
  • Hi all! I am 23 and currently at my highest weight ever. I have always been a bit bigger but I also have a graduation ceremony this summer that I would love to feel more confident at!!

    Anywho I was just thinking today how nice it would be to have some more friend on here to help motivate and support one another!

    Please feel free to add me :)