

  • I am 5'6 and weight 172lbs. My goal is 150. Being a mom of two kids and a fire fighter for two different towns I need my muscles to stay ;) I just want to feel healthy and able to do my job for another 20 years :)
  • I just heard about this and I would love to join in. I enjoy walking and such but, I never really ran unless I needed to for my job or kids. I like to sprint but, never long dis. So, I would enjoy having a few friends for this as well. Hope all goes well and have a great day! Steph (Maple Grove, Mn)
  • You look Beautiful! I love when people put their pic's up it truly makes you (me) keep going and to have people out there that can lose weight and gain happiness is such a sweet deal. I am a mother of 2 and I am slowly trying to get rid of my tummy ;) Happy Day to you!!!
  • Hi Kellee, Glad to meet you on here :) I am 31 in may and a mother of 2. I too am looking for people to talk with and support. I am still learning how this all works so hope to see you as a friend soon. Steph
  • Hi There I just joined on Monday and I too am looking for fitness friends :) I am a momma of 2 also.