Looking for friends ages 30-40 with 30-40 pounds to lose

Hi, my name is Kellee and I'm new here. I'm looking for friends around my age group who have (or had) about 30-40 pounds to lose. I'm looking for lots of encouragement and hope to be able to provide the same to you. :smile: Have a wonderful day!


  • drdiet1
    drdiet1 Posts: 7

    I will be 30 later this year so I just about squeeze into your age range (!) but I have 32 pounds to lose and would love to become friends and support each other,

  • LuvLeigh42
    LuvLeigh42 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi I'm LeighAnn, Im 42 and I have 28lbs I have to lose...I have been on here for 3 days now and would love a friend also because it seems like it would help. I see that I have problems snacking..I mean I just ate dinner and before I knew it, I wanted to snack on something chocolate...I ended up having some Nutella, but I really didnt need it and it made me feel defeated. do you ever eat a snack RIGHT AFTER dinner?
  • drdiet1
    drdiet1 Posts: 7
    Hi Leigh-Ann,

    I almost always feel the need to eat a snack straight after meals. :( I don't know why as clearly I don't actually need it but I guess it is habit. I have been trying to tell myself to wait half an hour and see if I still want it then but it is hard!

  • missdana2011
    Hi Leigh Ann

    Im 40 with 25lbs to lose..I would love to have somone to commiserate with. Ive been telling myself for the past 5 years that Im gonna lose my weight. Just doesnt happen. time to change that!

    Here's to a new wardrobe. I want one too.
  • LuvLeigh42
    LuvLeigh42 Posts: 47 Member
    What I hate the most is that I did good all day, I actually exercised and walked my dog, and then I go and eat something I didn't really want or especially need. Im getting to know this website a little better and Im checking out all the cool stuff, but I dont know how to add you as a friend...Im gonna look, but if you know you can certainly add me :smile:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I will be 30 in less than a month! Oh man that doesn't roll off my tongue well lol...I have 35 more lbs to lose before next July...
  • amysmartin
    amysmartin Posts: 84 Member
    Yes! I'm 35 and would like to lose about 30. I just joined here on Friday and am learning my way around but I could also use all the encouragement I can get.

    And I feel like every night after dinner I need something sweet too--my weakness!! :blushing:
  • Midgetgem74
    Midgetgem74 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there everyone
    I'm 37 and have 30lb plus to lose. I need to lose weight in order to have surgery on my hip so I'm desperately trying to be good! Losing weight is sooooo difficult and I feel this is something I have struggled with all my life!
    I'd love to be friends feel free to add me and send me a message.
  • LuvLeigh42
    LuvLeigh42 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Ms Danna,
    I hear that its because of being in the 40's our metabolism slows down, but I hope that doesnt make it harder to lose the weight...in 3 yrs ive gained 35 lbs and Im about to blow lol...i want to add you as a friend, I just need to go and find how to do it lol
  • drdiet1
    drdiet1 Posts: 7
    What I hate the most is that I did good all day, I actually exercised and walked my dog, and then I go and eat something I didn't really want or especially need. Im getting to know this website a little better and Im checking out all the cool stuff, but I dont know how to add you as a friend...Im gonna look, but if you know you can certainly add me :smile:

    I am always feeling that if I eat something extra that I should not that I have ruined the whole day which I am starting to realise is just not the case. I am quite sure you did not eat so much Nutella that you ruined what sounds like a very good day - both diet and exercise wise :)
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Friend me I would love to support you and get support in loosing this weight.
  • sjfourniea
    Hi Kellee,
    Glad to meet you on here :) I am 31 in may and a mother of 2. I too am looking for people to talk with and support. I am still learning how this all works so hope to see you as a friend soon.

  • LuvLeigh42
    LuvLeigh42 Posts: 47 Member
    Well thanks Dr...when I read your words, it actually made me realize...you're right, I could of eaten a lot more than I did...so Thanks :flowerforyou: