

  • Try not to be so obsessive about weighing yourself constantly. Because of mitigating factors (like water retention) it is near impossible to observe actual weight loss on a day-to-day basis. Weigh yourself the same time and day, once a week and allow your body to adjust to the diet before freaking out. If you are eating…
  • Don't get so down on yourself. You did not gain 4 pounds of fat in two days of breaking your diet. The changes in volume and activity level have most likely forced your body to retain more water. Although fat loss is linear over time, weight loss is highly erratic, especially over small amounts of time. Yes, you should get…
  • Cardio burns calories, therefore it aids in weight loss. But exercise only burns a small percentage of what your body will naturally burn in a day through metabolic activity. In the long run, exercise is an excellent habit that will help keep you healthy and feeling good. It is a good way to develop positive, lifelong…
  • I've lost 25 lbs by keeping track of calories and paying no mind to carbs. I've had 28g of carbs so far today (as I eat soup most mornings) and I almost always have rice or mashed potatoes with dinner.
  • I do most of the planning while I'm shopping. I'll make sure I have enough meat, vegetables and rice to last me the week, that way I have a good idea of what I'll be having for lunch and dinner. Breakfast can be a little bit of a crapshoot, but I tend to go with eggs or canned soup with black coffee so that it isn't…
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