Does cardio really suck for fat loss?



  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    I attribute a lot of my weight loss to cardio. I truly hated it in the beginning, too. But then I bought a bike (the BF was getting one, so I got one to match on a lark), but then I fell in love with cycling (waaay more so than he did), I starting riding my bike more and more and more, and the pounds really started to fall off. Now I bike about 6000 miles a year and I'm nearly 100 lbs lighter.
    If you can find exercise (any exercise - cardio or strength) that you really enjoy, then it will make weight loss a lot less work. I'm sure you could lose weight without cardio, but it might not be as fast (or easy & fun as it was in my case). Good luck finding a system that works for you!
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Just remember the number one rule for zombies, cardio. ;) But yeah I do cardio to help out my heart, anything else is just an added benefit from it.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Your calorie deficit is why contributes to weight loss not specific exercises. Exercise is for fitness. Diet is for weight loss

    Just not true. Any exercise burns calories and therefore leads to weight loss. It also leads to increased fitness. Anything which contributes to a defecit helps.
    Yes it is. All that is required to lose weight is a calorie deficit. The proof is in the people who lose weight without exercise.

    Yes but they're saying that exercises INCREASES your caloric deficit therefore aiding weight loss...
    That's true, exercise DOES raise your calorie deficit, but it's not required to lose weight. The OP hates cardio, and if you hate doing something you might as well find something you like to do.

    If a person wants to exercise, there are a whole lot of other options out there, such as weightlifting, yoga, walking (this can be cardio if you walk really fast, but it does not have to be), and probably other things.

    If you don't exercise, you won't get the benefits of cardio, such as lots of endurance and being able to eat more, but you can still lose weight.
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    no, but it's good if you want to eat more lol
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Your calorie deficit is why contributes to weight loss not specific exercises. Exercise is for fitness. Diet is for weight loss

    Just not true. Any exercise burns calories and therefore leads to weight loss. It also leads to increased fitness. Anything which contributes to a defecit helps.
    Yes it is. All that is required to lose weight is a calorie deficit. The proof is in the people who lose weight without exercise.

    Reading comprehension would help here.

    I was disagreeing with his statemement that exercise is not for weight loss. It is and can be. More than eating less can cause the needed deficit, one of those things being exercise. Exercise uses calories. Its not difficult to understand what I meant, just easier to misunderstand i guess. Maybe thats my fault? Possibly my bad explanation?

    Thank you for clearing that up. :smile:

    Really nobody is at fault. You disagreed with someone who basically said that weight loss starts in the kitchen and fitness starts in the gym. That's okay, I just respectfully disagreed with you. :smile: Exercise really is not for weight loss, though it does contribute due to calorie burns. There are many people who cannot exercise for whatever reason, or who simply don't want to exercise, and they lose weight just fine.

    Oh, and by the way, I am 100% for exercise due to my own experience. I love my cardio and my weight lifting. While they most certainly have contributed to my weight loss, they have contributed much more to my endurance, my general health, and strength.
  • ICRicho
    ICRicho Posts: 6
    I have found that cardio is the most useful, I burn heaps of calories from just a simple walk. I now have a Fitbit and it counts all my steps and approx. how many calories I would have burned. You burn so much from walking and jogging. I love it and seen the positive effects. However at the end of the day it is more what you eat then what you do at the gym. So eat better :D
  • CampbellTony
    CampbellTony Posts: 38 Member
    Your calorie deficit is why contributes to weight loss not specific exercises. Exercise is for fitness. Diet is for weight loss

    Just not true. Any exercise burns calories and therefore leads to weight loss. It also leads to increased fitness. Anything which contributes to a defecit helps.
    Yes it is. All that is required to lose weight is a calorie deficit. The proof is in the people who lose weight without exercise.

    Reading comprehension would help here.

    I was disagreeing with his statemement that exercise is not for weight loss. It is and can be. More than eating less can cause the needed deficit, one of those things being exercise. Exercise uses calories. Its not difficult to understand what I meant, just easier to misunderstand i guess. Maybe thats my fault? Possibly my bad explanation?

    Thank you for clearing that up. :smile:

    Really nobody is at fault. You disagreed with someone who basically said that weight loss starts in the kitchen and fitness starts in the gym. That's okay, I just respectfully disagreed with you. :smile: Exercise really is not for weight loss, though it does contribute due to calorie burns. There are many people who cannot exercise for whatever reason, or who simply don't want to exercise, and they lose weight just fine.

    Oh, and by the way, I am 100% for exercise due to my own experience. I love my cardio and my weight lifting. While they most certainly have contributed to my weight loss, they have contributed much more to my endurance, my general health, and strength.

    Oh, I agree with you. What I was saying was fueled by the Original posters question about being told that her cardio wasn't helping her weightloss. Any form of exercise will help with weightloss. I wasn't disagreeing about it helping endurance or making anyone more fit. That is its main purpose in life. I just felt compelled to point out (in case anyone starting out read the post and thought that exercise wouldn't help them lose weight) that it will help. I wasn't trying to cause any argument. Anyhoo, me typing isn't enough exercise for me to lose weight. :laugh:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Your calorie deficit is why contributes to weight loss not specific exercises. Exercise is for fitness. Diet is for weight loss

    Just not true. Any exercise burns calories and therefore leads to weight loss. It also leads to increased fitness. Anything which contributes to a defecit helps.
    Yes it is. All that is required to lose weight is a calorie deficit. The proof is in the people who lose weight without exercise.

    Reading comprehension would help here.

    I was disagreeing with his statemement that exercise is not for weight loss. It is and can be. More than eating less can cause the needed deficit, one of those things being exercise. Exercise uses calories. Its not difficult to understand what I meant, just easier to misunderstand i guess. Maybe thats my fault? Possibly my bad explanation?

    Thank you for clearing that up. :smile:

    Really nobody is at fault. You disagreed with someone who basically said that weight loss starts in the kitchen and fitness starts in the gym. That's okay, I just respectfully disagreed with you. :smile: Exercise really is not for weight loss, though it does contribute due to calorie burns. There are many people who cannot exercise for whatever reason, or who simply don't want to exercise, and they lose weight just fine.

    Oh, and by the way, I am 100% for exercise due to my own experience. I love my cardio and my weight lifting. While they most certainly have contributed to my weight loss, they have contributed much more to my endurance, my general health, and strength.

    Oh, I agree with you. What I was saying was fueled by the Original posters question about being told that her cardio wasn't helping her weightloss. Any form of exercise will help with weightloss. I wasn't disagreeing about it helping endurance or making anyone more fit. That is its main purpose in life. I just felt compelled to point out (in case anyone starting out read the post and thought that exercise wouldn't help them lose weight) that it will help. I wasn't trying to cause any argument. Anyhoo, me typing isn't enough exercise for me to lose weight. :laugh:
    Well, I think typing DOES burn calorie, especially if you do it fast. :bigsmile: :laugh:

    I didn't find your replies argumentative at all. Exercise does help weight loss, plus it's invigorating too. This said after I just completed a 5 mile run, then walked until I reached 6 miles. This whole wheat bread with butter as a snack I am eating right now is pretty darned good too. :bigsmile:
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    If you hate cardio, then maybe you should mix it up with some strength training.

    I do cardio but I like it.

    When you lose fat, it is from eating less calories than you burn. The cardio component is just there to help you burn more calories, which aids in fat loss.
  • fitandfortyish
    fitandfortyish Posts: 194 Member
    <<<< Body By Cardio

    You rock that body! :heart: :heart: :drinker:
  • Katielou112
    Katielou112 Posts: 55 Member
    I entertain myself by setting a new goal each week e.g. to run 5 minutes longer at 0.5mph faster. I also do intervals when running. I do agree it can get boring, make sure you incorporate a couple of strength workouts. Use it as a time to think! I don't know what your life is like but I am so busy with work, house stuff etc. I use my time on the treadmill and bike to get my head straight - make plans!
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    <<<< Body By Cardio

    I think I just became a cardio fan! LoL
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I don't mind cardio but just wish I had time for everything I wanted to do...cardio, weight, ballet, yoga...
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    I do weight lifting and cardio - I go after work to do weightlifting 3-4x a week but during my work day on lunch break (I have a desk job so I'm itching to move) is when I do a half hour of cardio. that's all I really have time for during the working hours so I do the elliptical for a half hour and maybe its cus I do it 5x a week but I get so dang bored. but I do mix it up with other things :)
  • ISWThunder
    Cardio burns calories, therefore it aids in weight loss. But exercise only burns a small percentage of what your body will naturally burn in a day through metabolic activity.

    In the long run, exercise is an excellent habit that will help keep you healthy and feeling good. It is a good way to develop positive, lifelong habits.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    I guess my question should have been worded more like....

    does cardio keep burning calories even when I'm doing nothing, or is weight lifting the only thing that can accomplish that?
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Cardio helps with creating a deficit, but you don't have to do it if it really bothers you that much...Just start running sprints instead of 30 minutes of boring running. You can do sprints for 1/3rd the time and get a far better cardio workout.
  • kemcclell54
    kemcclell54 Posts: 4 Member
    I am your opposite - I LOVE cardio, hate weights. But for me, cardio is not a treadmill, elliptical, or any machine in a gym. It's walking outside, doing an aerobics class (love Zumba and step!!! Hate Boot Camp!!!), or swimming. Cardio is important for overall fitness, but you don't need it for weight loss as long as you are burning calories doing something else, as others have pointed out.

    nb: I know that the other stuff (weights, etc) is also important for fitness. But I can't bring myself to sacrifice cardio time for that - yet...
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    I really wish solely lifting made me feel like I've done a good workout, like that of cardio (mainly running). One of those, "That's it?" moments after a lifting session.

    Maybe I have too much energy for my own good.

    I do know that running has given me some killer legs though.