dancektxoxo Member


  • Would love more friends on this app to stay motivated! :)
  • I am in the same boat as you. The funny thing is, as I've actually even seen here, you tend to get clashing advice for this issue: a. 1200 calories is too little, and b. you must be eating more calories than you think you are! It is frustrating. Especially for someone like me who is active, eats well most of the time and…
  • Only if you don't watch your caloric intake while resting the first couple weeks or not moving around enough. I had almost 4 pounds of tissue removed, but gained half a pound back from my mom cooking for me while recovering! Walk as much as possible, but don't hurt yourself on account of trying to avoid fluctuations on the…
  • I had one almost 3 weeks ago - just starting back at work and light exercise. 30 pounds is the ultimate goal to lose! Went from a 34F to a 34C, but still a bit swollen and stiff, so they may get to a full B - fingers crossed! Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I was actually a professional dancer a few years ago before an injury. :] I was part of a modern company as well as a guest artist with local ballet schools to dance with them. I hope to get back on that track! Because of said injury, I'm currently where I am weight-wise, for the most part. Part of my goal list is to be…