Help! This isn't working!



  • shoebox8402
    I know it is hard to be working so hard and not getting the payoff... but ask yourself how much you'd weigh today if you hadn't been putting in the work to lose it, In all likelihood, you'd have gained more... hang in there... its worth it... never quit.
    That's the problem. I AM gaining (despite what my little ticker thing says). I had to buy bigger shorts today. Third time since may. I know at 5'4 a few pounds is very visible and I'm not overweight on the BMI scale but this is still horrible
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I don't eat breakfast and eat as little as possible at lunch so I can eat a meal at dinner. Could that be hurting me? I find if I eat breakfast or lunch i am just hungry all day. If I skip those meals I am not ravenous at dinner

    I'm wondering how late you're eating that "big" dinner. If you eat then go to bed too soon afterwards your body is going to have a hard time processing it. I frequently find that if I eat too close to bed time it has a negative impact on my numbers. The more dinner calories, the bigger the impact.

    Eating a late dinner might affect the scale weight in the morning, but it shouldn't affect long term weight loss. It might cause some people discomfort, heartburn, or sleeping problems. If the OP isn't one of those people then this shouldn't be a factor.
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    I think your doctor would better help you than anyone here. If you can't eat 3 meals and still gain weight, I'm sure this is a medical problem and not a diet/nutrition problem.
  • kbosket0726
    kbosket0726 Posts: 7 Member
    You need to find another doctor or get a second opinion. Especially if you TSH keeps going up. My regular MD (who I love) kept testing my TSH and kept telling me it was fine at 4.8. It wasn't until I gained 40 pounds in 3 months that I ended up at my gastrenterologist for a different reason and offhandedly asked "is that why I gained 40lbs in 3 months?" The first thing he asked me was have you had your thyroid checked. I told him my TSH was 4.8 and he told me the new upper limit that is recommened by the Association of Endocrinologists is 3.0. He did some reflex checks and confirmed that I had hypothyroidism. I wanted to cry because I had been trying to get my primary MD to diagnosis me for 2 years and got nowhere. He immediately put me on medication and referred me to an endocrinologist who adjusted my medication doses. She has since moved out of the area but my primary MD has been educated better now and he is managing my meds with no problem. So keep pushing for the diagnosis!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    1200 is low, especially for only needing to lose 10 lb... and be thankful it's not your thyroid! Trust me, it's no fun!

    Try eating a bit more.

    Do you have thyroid advice on numbers? Since this started my TSH has gone from 1.2 last May, 2.63 in sept, 3.78 in feb and 4.25 this may. Every doc says that's fine.
    My TSH was good, too. I kept being told I didn't have a thyroid problem. They didn't do a full thyroid panel.

    By the time it was detected, it was so big it was strangling me, lol. I had a lot of trouble breathing. I gagged all the time when eating and especially when drinking. The thing was freaking huge and he actually told me to stop coming in about it.

    Then I got a better doctor, who didn't have to be convinced, who sent me to a good endo, who sent me to a surgeon, who cut it out. Problem solved, I could now, after decades of struggling all the time, lose weight.

    Go to an endocrinologist if you want to be sure. Doctors miss thyroid things sometimes.

    Otherwise, keep trying new doctors, maybe it's something else! Eat healthy food and exercise more. Give it time. Scale fluctuations are normal and to be expected. It doesn't mean it isn't working. Stick with it for a couple months before you determine that you aren't losing even a pound. That's all I can say.

    I hope it gets better for you. :)

    An endo won't see me without a referal. I'm so frustrated. I'm soooo tired, I've been losing my hair, brittle nails, cold feet and hands, extra heavy period, dry skin that's so itchy, painful joints. I actually had an ultrasound done on my thyroid in march after an ent said my neck looked "funny". I had been noticing it in photos too. Luckily there were no nodules or cancer but the right lobe was bigger than the left. Maybe I'm just off balance but I'm so tired working out everyday for the past 3 months and sticking to healthy 1200 calories. Basically starving and getting no help because doctors assume it's just my anxiety disorder or ibs. Sorry for the rant. I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired.
    Don't apologize to me! I know. I spent DECADES fighting and not being believed and all of it. It's a nightmare. It really is. Nobody should have to go through that.

    Eventually, I gave up.

    Don't do that. Screw people who don't believe it's possible to not over-eat and gain weight, including your doctor, if you can tell he doesn't believe you. Don't keep trying to convince the same people. They've made up their minds and no amount of truth will change their minds. Don't waste your time. KEEP TRYING NEW DOCTORS. They should refer you to an endo if you ask them to. At least they can run a full thyroid panel instead of one TSH, one time.

    I don't know that you do have a thyroid problem. But I know they can be missed by incompetent doctors.

    Like a previous poster, the sense of relief I felt when a good doctor finally diagnosed me...I could've cried. Such huge relief and joy. Less than a month later, I'd been from doc to endo to surgeon to surgery, recovery and was on my way to normalizing Synthroid levels (which took a while.) When the help FINALLY arrived, it all happened pretty quickly.

    And my whole life - every single thing about it - got BETTER. A LOT better.

    Hang in there.

    Good luck!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    1200 is low, especially for only needing to lose 10 lb... and be thankful it's not your thyroid! Trust me, it's no fun!

    Try eating a bit more.

    Do you have thyroid advice on numbers? Since this started my TSH has gone from 1.2 last May, 2.63 in sept, 3.78 in feb and 4.25 this may. Every doc says that's fine.
    My TSH was good, too. I kept being told I didn't have a thyroid problem. They didn't do a full thyroid panel.

    By the time it was detected, it was so big it was strangling me, lol. I had a lot of trouble breathing. I gagged all the time when eating and especially when drinking. The thing was freaking huge and he actually told me to stop coming in about it.

    Then I got a better doctor, who didn't have to be convinced, who sent me to a good endo, who sent me to a surgeon, who cut it out. Problem solved, I could now, after decades of struggling all the time, lose weight.

    Go to an endocrinologist if you want to be sure. Doctors miss thyroid things sometimes.

    Otherwise, keep trying new doctors, maybe it's something else! Eat healthy food and exercise more. Give it time. Scale fluctuations are normal and to be expected. It doesn't mean it isn't working. Stick with it for a couple months before you determine that you aren't losing even a pound. That's all I can say.

    I hope it gets better for you. :)

    An endo won't see me without a referal. I'm so frustrated. I'm soooo tired, I've been losing my hair, brittle nails, cold feet and hands, extra heavy period, dry skin that's so itchy, painful joints. I actually had an ultrasound done on my thyroid in march after an ent said my neck looked "funny". I had been noticing it in photos too. Luckily there were no nodules or cancer but the right lobe was bigger than the left. Maybe I'm just off balance but I'm so tired working out everyday for the past 3 months and sticking to healthy 1200 calories. Basically starving and getting no help because doctors assume it's just my anxiety disorder or ibs. Sorry for the rant. I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    Before I say anything else, I want to say that my heart goes out to you. It sounds like you are almost killing yourself in order to achieve those last ten pounds... and at this point, if all you have to lose is ten pounds maybe you should ask yourself if it is really worth it to you?

    I won't diagnose you - I am not a doctor. If you are sure there is something medical - then get another opinion.

    I will say this... I have heard a LOT of those symptoms used for people who weren't getting enough proper nutrition... and maybe, just maybe, your body needs better food?

    If you could, would you please tell us:

    your height
    your current weight
    your goal weight
    and what type of "working out" that you do?

    ETA: by "worth it" I don't mean - if you want it you have to work harder... not that at all.
    By worth it I mean... is the loss of those ten pounds worth the stress and sacrifice to quality of life that you are putting yourself under? Perhaps you need to look at letting go of that goal number and evaluate the impact it is playing on your life.

    ten pounds is almost impossible for the average person even discern - so this is mostly for you.
  • TerraJanuary
    TerraJanuary Posts: 5 Member
    Hey there!

    In the meantime, until you get a diagnosis, you might try natural Thyroid treatment. Many people don't respond to Synthroid anyway, so it's good to figure out other natural ways to combat Thyroid disease if you do, in fact, have it.

    I also suspect I have hypothyroid, though my primary doc says my TSH levels are fine. I'm waiting to see an Endo who can do a more comprehensive test. Like you, I have brittle hair and nails, weight gain, feeling cold, tired, sluggish, etc.

    Desiccated thyroid (Armour) isn't routinely prescribed in the U.S. anymore, but a lot of people say it works so much better than Synthroid. You can buy desiccated thyroid (not Armour) online. I use the ones by Nutri-Meds. They aren't really that effective, but I've noticed a serious difference in my hair which has never been able to grow past shoulder length.

    I've also cut out all gluten and I've seriously minimized alcohol. Since doing these two things, my joint pain has basically gone, I feel much more energetic and my stomach isn't all bloated. I haven't really lost weight though :( -- despite exercising every day like a fiend -- but it's still early, we'll see how that goes.

    Good luck, I hope you see a doc who can help you soon!
  • shoebox8402
    You need to find another doctor or get a second opinion. Especially if you TSH keeps going up. My regular MD (who I love) kept testing my TSH and kept telling me it was fine at 4.8. It wasn't until I gained 40 pounds in 3 months that I ended up at my gastrenterologist for a different reason and offhandedly asked "is that why I gained 40lbs in 3 months?" The first thing he asked me was have you had your thyroid checked. I told him my TSH was 4.8 and he told me the new upper limit that is recommened by the Association of Endocrinologists is 3.0. He did some reflex checks and confirmed that I had hypothyroidism. I wanted to cry because I had been trying to get my primary MD to diagnosis me for 2 years and got nowhere. He immediately put me on medication and referred me to an endocrinologist who adjusted my medication doses. She has since moved out of the area but my primary MD has been educated better now and he is managing my meds with no problem. So keep pushing for the diagnosis!

    Thank you! I think that's what I need to do. I was at my gyn today and they pointed out my weight gain and didn't believe I was watching calories and working out. Then she felt my neck and referred me to an endo!!
  • skruttan44
    skruttan44 Posts: 86 Member
    You need to find another doctor or get a second opinion. Especially if you TSH keeps going up. My regular MD (who I love) kept testing my TSH and kept telling me it was fine at 4.8. It wasn't until I gained 40 pounds in 3 months that I ended up at my gastrenterologist for a different reason and offhandedly asked "is that why I gained 40lbs in 3 months?" The first thing he asked me was have you had your thyroid checked. I told him my TSH was 4.8 and he told me the new upper limit that is recommened by the Association of Endocrinologists is 3.0. He did some reflex checks and confirmed that I had hypothyroidism. I wanted to cry because I had been trying to get my primary MD to diagnosis me for 2 years and got nowhere. He immediately put me on medication and referred me to an endocrinologist who adjusted my medication doses. She has since moved out of the area but my primary MD has been educated better now and he is managing my meds with no problem. So keep pushing for the diagnosis!

    this is all true. go see a specialist for a second opinion.
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    I don't eat breakfast and eat as little as possible at lunch so I can eat a meal at dinner. Could that be hurting me? I find if I eat breakfast or lunch i am just hungry all day. If I skip those meals I am not ravenous at dinner

    I think your caloric intake may be too low. You should be able to eat three reasonable meals a day. Skipping meals is always a bad idea. When you skip meals, you are starving your body and it will hang on to every source of energy because it doesn't know when you are going to feed it again. You're not "starving your body" by skipping a meal.
  • shoebox8402
    1200 is low, especially for only needing to lose 10 lb... and be thankful it's not your thyroid! Trust me, it's no fun!

    Try eating a bit more.

    Do you have thyroid advice on numbers? Since this started my TSH has gone from 1.2 last May, 2.63 in sept, 3.78 in feb and 4.25 this may. Every doc says that's fine.
    My TSH was good, too. I kept being told I didn't have a thyroid problem. They didn't do a full thyroid panel.

    By the time it was detected, it was so big it was strangling me, lol. I had a lot of trouble breathing. I gagged all the time when eating and especially when drinking. The thing was freaking huge and he actually told me to stop coming in about it.

    Then I got a better doctor, who didn't have to be convinced, who sent me to a good endo, who sent me to a surgeon, who cut it out. Problem solved, I could now, after decades of struggling all the time, lose weight.

    Go to an endocrinologist if you want to be sure. Doctors miss thyroid things sometimes.

    Otherwise, keep trying new doctors, maybe it's something else! Eat healthy food and exercise more. Give it time. Scale fluctuations are normal and to be expected. It doesn't mean it isn't working. Stick with it for a couple months before you determine that you aren't losing even a pound. That's all I can say.

    I hope it gets better for you. :)

    An endo won't see me without a referal. I'm so frustrated. I'm soooo tired, I've been losing my hair, brittle nails, cold feet and hands, extra heavy period, dry skin that's so itchy, painful joints. I actually had an ultrasound done on my thyroid in march after an ent said my neck looked "funny". I had been noticing it in photos too. Luckily there were no nodules or cancer but the right lobe was bigger than the left. Maybe I'm just off balance but I'm so tired working out everyday for the past 3 months and sticking to healthy 1200 calories. Basically starving and getting no help because doctors assume it's just my anxiety disorder or ibs. Sorry for the rant. I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired.
    Don't apologize to me! I know. I spent DECADES fighting and not being believed and all of it. It's a nightmare. It really is. Nobody should have to go through that.

    Eventually, I gave up.

    Don't do that. Screw people who don't believe it's possible to not over-eat and gain weight, including your doctor, if you can tell he doesn't believe you. Don't keep trying to convince the same people. They've made up their minds and no amount of truth will change their minds. Don't waste your time. KEEP TRYING NEW DOCTORS. They should refer you to an endo if you ask them to. At least they can run a full thyroid panel instead of one TSH, one time.

    I don't know that you do have a thyroid problem. But I know they can be missed by incompetent doctors.

    Like a previous poster, the sense of relief I felt when a good doctor finally diagnosed me...I could've cried. Such huge relief and joy. Less than a month later, I'd been from doc to endo to surgeon to surgery, recovery and was on my way to normalizing Synthroid levels (which took a while.) When the help FINALLY arrived, it all happened pretty quickly.

    And my whole life - every single thing about it - got BETTER. A LOT better.

    Hang in there.

    Good luck!
    Thank you for your help and support! I'm sorry you have had problems too but it's helpful to know I'm
    Not the only one
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    Hi im 5ft5 and 29 so similar to you and I am eating 1700 calories and exercising and ive lost weight although 6 weeks isn't that long and if you only have 10lbs you need to aim for 0.5lbs a week and be patient. Some weeks I lose 0 others I lose 1lb but it averages out at 0.5lb a week I say hang in there measure liquids weigh solids and be accountable accurately I eye balled a lot of portions and only when I digital scaled food did I realise what 100g really looks like in certain foods. Feel free to add me I too have around 10lb left
  • shoebox8402
    1200 is low, especially for only needing to lose 10 lb... and be thankful it's not your thyroid! Trust me, it's no fun!

    Try eating a bit more.

    Do you have thyroid advice on numbers? Since this started my TSH has gone from 1.2 last May, 2.63 in sept, 3.78 in feb and 4.25 this may. Every doc says that's fine.
    My TSH was good, too. I kept being told I didn't have a thyroid problem. They didn't do a full thyroid panel.

    By the time it was detected, it was so big it was strangling me, lol. I had a lot of trouble breathing. I gagged all the time when eating and especially when drinking. The thing was freaking huge and he actually told me to stop coming in about it.

    Then I got a better doctor, who didn't have to be convinced, who sent me to a good endo, who sent me to a surgeon, who cut it out. Problem solved, I could now, after decades of struggling all the time, lose weight.

    Go to an endocrinologist if you want to be sure. Doctors miss thyroid things sometimes.

    Otherwise, keep trying new doctors, maybe it's something else! Eat healthy food and exercise more. Give it time. Scale fluctuations are normal and to be expected. It doesn't mean it isn't working. Stick with it for a couple months before you determine that you aren't losing even a pound. That's all I can say.

    I hope it gets better for you. :)

    An endo won't see me without a referal. I'm so frustrated. I'm soooo tired, I've been losing my hair, brittle nails, cold feet and hands, extra heavy period, dry skin that's so itchy, painful joints. I actually had an ultrasound done on my thyroid in march after an ent said my neck looked "funny". I had been noticing it in photos too. Luckily there were no nodules or cancer but the right lobe was bigger than the left. Maybe I'm just off balance but I'm so tired working out everyday for the past 3 months and sticking to healthy 1200 calories. Basically starving and getting no help because doctors assume it's just my anxiety disorder or ibs. Sorry for the rant. I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    Before I say anything else, I want to say that my heart goes out to you. It sounds like you are almost killing yourself in order to achieve those last ten pounds... and at this point, if all you have to lose is ten pounds maybe you should ask yourself if it is really worth it to you?

    I won't diagnose you - I am not a doctor. If you are sure there is something medical - then get another opinion.

    I will say this... I have heard a LOT of those symptoms used for people who weren't getting enough proper nutrition... and maybe, just maybe, your body needs better food?

    If you could, would you please tell us:

    your height
    your current weight
    your goal weight
    and what type of "working out" that you do?

    ETA: by "worth it" I don't mean - if you want it you have to work harder... not that at all.
    By worth it I mean... is the loss of those ten pounds worth the stress and sacrifice to quality of life that you are putting yourself under? Perhaps you need to look at letting go of that goal number and evaluate the impact it is playing on your life.

    ten pounds is almost impossible for the average person even discern - so this is mostly for you.

    Hi thanks for the empathy!
    I'm 5'4. 132 pounds. But can't get below it. I gain if I eat literally anything over 1200 cal
    I've always been between 120 and 125.
    125 is my goal. And everyday when I finish tracking it says "if every day were like today you would weigh 122 in 5 weeks. " that was months ago of starving.
    Fitness wise I play tennis twice a week, yoga once a week, Pilates once, and a zumba twice
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Not everyone has the same metabolism. If I eat the standard 15 calories per pound per day I lose weight, not maintain. Some folks will gain weight on 1200. That is their metabolism.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have gained somehow 10 pounds this past year and am trying to get it off. No matter how I track or exercize I cannot lose a pound! I might lose one but then 3 come back. I am really strict and sticking to this but I am actually gaining weight on the 1200 calorie count. Every doctor has suspected thyroid problems since I have other symptoms but all say I'm in the normal range.
    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I lost weight just like everybody else—by logging everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    The advice in this post worked for me:

    MFP has two thyroid groups:
  • karahm78
    karahm78 Posts: 505 Member
    Maybe I'm just off balance but I'm so tired working out everyday for the past 3 months and sticking to healthy 1200 calories. Basically starving and getting no help because doctors assume it's just my anxiety disorder or ibs. Sorry for the rant. I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    Are you eating back any of your exercise calories? Eating 1200 calories and exercising every day is not healthy longterm, and your nutrition could suffer. Maybe try eating at least half of your exercise calories back with healthy snacks, extra fruit/veggies, a splurge here and there!
  • shoebox8402
    Thanks for the advice. I do eat back my exercise calories and actually last week noticed a 3 pound difference. I was so excited and could get my regular clothes back on! The next day I was back at over my starting weight and couldn't get into the clothes. I am ready to give up. I know this sounds weird but I have ibs and the only days I see a change set when I can't stop going to the bathroom. Otherwise it's like my entire body is bloated if that makes sense
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I do eat back my exercise calories and actually last week noticed a 3 pound difference. I was so excited and could get my regular clothes back on! The next day I was back at over my starting weight and couldn't get into the clothes.
    Weight loss is not linear, so weigh weekly—not daily. And take photos & measurements, too.
  • dancektxoxo
    dancektxoxo Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. The funny thing is, as I've actually even seen here, you tend to get clashing advice for this issue: a. 1200 calories is too little, and b. you must be eating more calories than you think you are! It is frustrating. Especially for someone like me who is active, eats well most of the time and has a naturally muscular body type but still "overweight."

    Personally, I work out every day (sometimes twice a day) with alternating cardio, interval, strength and blah blah blah. It just makes me want to give up, because I literally live in the gym now. Last time I gave up for a few days, I lost 5 pounds (as recorded here on mfp LOL). My problem is that I want to be healthy because I teach dance for a living, so I forcibly push on with the workouts and greens and half my weight in water a day, because I do FEEL the difference, at least, fuel-wise. I feel like fat loss is such a you-know-what for some of us, more than others.
  • shoebox8402
    I am in the same boat as you. The funny thing is, as I've actually even seen here, you tend to get clashing advice for this issue: a. 1200 calories is too little, and b. you must be eating more calories than you think you are! It is frustrating. Especially for someone like me who is active, eats well most of the time and has a naturally muscular body type but still "overweight."

    Personally, I work out every day (sometimes twice a day) with alternating cardio, interval, strength and blah blah blah. It just makes me want to give up, because I literally live in the gym now. Last time I gave up for a few days, I lost 5 pounds (as recorded here on mfp LOL). My problem is that I want to be healthy because I teach dance for a living, so I forcibly push on with the workouts and greens and half my weight in water a day, because I do FEEL the difference, at least, fuel-wise. I feel like fat loss is such a you-know-what for some of us, more than others.

    Thank you!!! I have been so confused. Literally making myself sick looking for the correct answers. It really just gets me down because a ton of friends doing juice fasts and shakeology and losing weight like crazy while I am instead being active, actually chewing my real food and nothing. It's becoming obsessive and really affecting my life