

  • I have been on/off between vegetarian and pescetarian for 2.5 years now. Currently I am a pescetarian. I'm a very positive person and would love to be friends :)
  • Thank you agarlits :) I can already tell how positive and encouraging you are by your posts and messages. I really appreciate it. I'm happy to be a part of this group.
  • Hey all, I'm 20 years old and was invited by agarlits to join the group. I have experienced a lot of negativity on the general forums. There are a LOT of bullies on this website with nothing better to do that get others worked up when they're simply looking for support, because they think they know everything and…
  • And I responded with "I'm just not interested in sarcastic, smart *kitten* that's all :)" So... nothing towards you. I was referring to the people you were referring to my reaction to.
  • I was absolutely not being snarky or sarcastic!! I really meant thank you! I accepted your friend request.
  • There seem to be a lot of people on here that get pure joy out of other people's suffering.
  • I don't even know where all that iron is coming from. Or the protein, for that matter. I am surprised. The point is, though, that I really wasn't intending on consuming that many calories as a snack. I have plans for an unhealthy dinner tomorrow so I was saving up. Now I realize it's done, can't do anything about it.…
  • I did not confuse you with Achyra and Pika. I just wanted to respond to all three at once. I APOLOGIZE my goodness.
  • You are correct that they give you some basic guidelines which are based on your job. I have a desk job so I too chose sedentary for my original MFP goal. MFP set me at 1200 calories to lose 1 lb/week. After spending more time on the site, reading the forum posts (and believe it or not - the sarcastic ones where people…
  • Sorry for confusing you two. And I disagree with you. I am also not interested in "checking out her success" as I do not find her to be the most encouraging/inspirational/motivational person, but thank you.
  • I completely disagree with you that I was the one who started attacking and that Achrya has been nothing but polite. Glad you enjoy the manatees.
  • Here you go.
  • Thanks a bunch.
  • Great fact, thank you. I will know for next time.
  • Yeah but oatmeal is full of fibre, low fat, and protein. This beverage was mostly just high in sugar and bad fat. I don't understand all these people who think all food is equivalent because their calorie amount is equivalent.
  • What's the point, then? Do you just want to show off your body, and seek attention, and put others down when they're simply looking for support? As you said. You can tell a lot about people through their posts.
  • If I recall correctly, the question they ask you is what amount of activity you get and give examples of professions for each one. So I think maybe that is where the confusion arose. It was a while ago, but I believe when asked what my "activity level" was in terms of the job I have, I put the second lowest as I thought…
  • I wish I did not seem like I was getting worked up. I am just trying to defend myself, I guess. It is not fun being attacked by a bunch of people at once, for no good reason whatsoever. Thanks.
  • I am all for humor, so long as it does not discourage the person originally looking for support and advice. But that was not the case. I am certainly taking the advice I am given, and thanking those who deserve it.
  • Oops, sorry I missed this. And thank you for pulling it back up. I will have to figure out this calculator stuff.
  • Love this post. Thank you.
  • Frankly, I did not even know other people could see all of that information. It did not upset me, I just don't appreciate being judged for what I believed to be no reason whatsoever. I don't recall telling the calculator I sit around all day. I also don't think that's a very positive way to phrase it. For example, some…
  • Thanks very much for the suggestion. I will check it out ASAP.
  • That was definitely helpful advice, and I thanked you for it. However, all of your posts contain some sort of sarcasm or insult. "So no sense of humor. Got it. You might need to retrain your brain on your attitude towards food. It's a legit suggestion because demonizing foods is what is leading you to freak out instead of…
  • Well, I don't. And maybe those are the settings but I do not recall what I put when I originally signed up. I will go over and redo it. Thanks.
  • So. Randomtai is no worse than me.
  • Thanks :)
  • Oh, then I sincerely apologize. I guess I mistook your response for a negative one due to the sheer amount of negativity I have been dealing with on this post.
  • Well, I find pretty much everything you have said insulting too.
  • And if I use asterisks instead of actual letters in my 'swear' words, that's not against the guidelines either? NEAT.
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