

  • Oh man we're almost identical haha. I'm 5'3 and started at around 197 and I'm currently 138. Congratulations :D
  • Welcome! 120 is totally attainable! You're definitely in the right place for great people to motivate you along the way too :)
  • I always have a cheat day, my problem is i tend to turn it into an entire weekend >.< I wake up saying "I'm going to stay on the bandwagon today." I think I just need to plan better for when I'm always out on weekends and I don't have my foods/snacks on hand so I end up at the gas station trying to find the healthiest…
  • That's awesome!! Not gonna lie either, I'm jealous haha. Congrats :)
  • Thanks guys :) Yeah I really need to get back down to where i was. I really started noticing a difference in the past month or two since I quit smoking. I knew I was going to gain though so like I said, I don't feel as bad as I would if I was gaining just out of laziness haha.
    in Hey :) Comment by xkins May 2011