tinarhodes Member


  • Had this problem and conquered it:) First, the probiotic is a must, it helps with keeping good bacteria in the gut and will help with digestion and elimination. Second, with your statement, "I wake up with a flat tummy...", I know exactly what you're talking about and it probably points to what you're eating for breakfast.…
  • I've been told since I was 19 years old that I look like Uma Thurman. I'm now 42 and I've heard it hundreds of times, the funniest was at the hospital in labor!
  • There are many ab exercises that are much more effective than situps and don't hurt your back. Using an exercise ball takes all the pressure off the back. Also planks are awesome. As your abs strengthen then your back is better supported. There's no need to ever do another situp:) Bodybuilding.com is a great resource for…