Hey thatssss wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to little i'm 5'3 98 lbs and normally I eat around 2500 and run but now since i want to gain weight i eat around 3000-4000 and i'm still having trouble I started at 98 but now i can maintain 102-104 if i eat at least 3000.
Ya I eat the recommend amount on my thing only sometimes I'm like 10 or so gram away but that's it
Add me if you want, and don't worry I'm positive you'll reach your goal. ^.^
azthanos21, True but, le gateau est bon!
grab you phone and sell it mmmahahahaha just kidding more like post random picture on it : P
Cake is beautiful
Hey, my friend was having the same problem awhile back and it was a pinched nerve, the physician said to not stretch it just rest for 6 weeks but you can still swim and cycle.
Hi I saw your post and was wondering if you had any tips on gaining weight?