that is great price eric! I love the 10 k distance! you might surprise yourself and come in even faster:)
Thanks for all the tips guys! I have ordered the book racing weight and am anxious to read it!
Wow second full?!! that is awesome!
I miss Skinny Runners blog so much!!!! Wish she would write it again. her fb and twitter just aren't the same:(
Congrats on your half and also your weight loss! I love that you did it slowly over time. What's up next for you? A full?
Wow! You are my new inspiration! You are super fast and congrats on qualifying for Boston!
I ran my first 10 K race yesterday 1:06 was my time! I was super happy since this was my first 10 K and my last "long run" in training was the 10 K distance I did it in 1:12. I didn't run with my garmin so I was totally shocked to see my time was 1:06! I went by feel and felt strong the whole race and really pushed it the…
Thanks again! right now I am looking for another 10 K to do in may and then I will train over the summer for the half marathon in october. Might do a 10 K in september again.
no i'm from canada! congrats on your 10 k as well!
thanks everyone! I will check out the long distance runners forum! The best part about running for me is that is has taken away the diet mentality and focus on everything I'm eating and calorie/carb counting obsession. I quickly learned that you have to fuel properly to run these distances. Now I eat more intuitively so I…
I am running my first 10 K in 11 days from now! My first question is have you done a training program? 10 K is nothing to sneeze at and the key is have built up slowly to be able to do the distance. What sort of training have you done so far?
Great idea to do another 10 k but improve time to under 1 hour! you are right the training for a half is a big time commitment and being a full time RN, wife and mom to 2 little girls 2 and 4 so my time is limited but I'm sure I could do it if I really set my mind to it! Glad to see others bit by the running bug on here.…
I am in the same boat as you! I am gearing up for my first 10 K in 2 weeks time and I hope to finish around 1:10 too. I already have my sights sets on a fall half marathon. I bought the book by runners world about marathon and half marathon training and it is really helping me to plan out my training. I highly recommend.…