fairystyler Member


  • Hi there - I am a 36G and got a brand new shock absorber bra (retails about £30) from a Ebay shop, brand new, with tags for £12. May be worth a try :)
  • Hi there, I suffer from this a lot and when I consulted my doctor he suggested: -Taking Ibufrofen -Eat more bananas -Drink tonic water (the quinnine helps) -Quinnine Tablets -Stretching New trainers with high impact soles and heels. Its frustrating as I feel I can do so much more but my calf muscles at the back just seize…
  • Hey chick, Have you tried measuring in inches as oppose to your weight? I'm not losing much but my shape is changing! Also, knowing you..... You're being to hard on yourself n it does take time, I'm beind ya and I'm sure Lee is too :) xx
  • how about some abdominal crunches - come with me to Tums, bums and thighs and you'll really see a difference in a few sessions! x
  • My LBT instructor said that 1 hour burns approx 400-500 cals xx