Thanks for offering your tips. I'd be interested in any recipes for vegan dishes prepared with a slow cooker (crockpot).
Hola Jessy, estar concentrado, puede hacerlo.
Thanks guys. I going to lighten up on the bicep intensive exercises and see how it goes. If no change, eliminate those exercises for a while, and then slowly come back. But keep up with everything else (legs, shoulders, cardio) unless I have a good reason not to. I fear if I stop exercising for only a week, I might loose a…
I had this for about 2 weeks.
Great question. I'm also interested in home made protein bars. For you guys posting recipes, and if possible, I'd be interested in knowing the macro info (calories, carbs, protein, etc.) for your recipes. Thanks
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” ― Maria Robinson Hang in there.
:laugh: Best laugh all day.
I'm consider myself a "vegetarian" (in quotes because many acknowledge different levels of vegetarianism) trying to move to veganism. "Friend" me and you can take a look at my meals. I'm only concerned about the carbs because of my diabetes. My doctor has told me to try to keep them below 45-55 per meal. Let me know if you…
Thanks, I'll definitely take a look.
Thanks I love curry and Indian style cuisine. I'll look it up and give it a try. Can brown rice be cooked in a crock pot, with the beans?
LOL! But you do look great. Keep going.
Many people accept the fact there are different types of vegetarians, I being one of them. See this chart here: mrsjordon, you should specify if you fit one of these categories, then you can receive more specific advice.
" Chances are you probably won't even notice it all that much since you see one another everyday. You'll gradually get used to it, I would assume." Good point.
Sounds logical. Can you supply an online reference for your statements? Thanks.