nfigeley Member


  • yum thanks I will try that !
  • I'm not sure I'm not a fan of beans ( black or pinto) yuck! But would be willing to explore others ?? Are green beans ? What's your fav ?
  • yum!!!!! thank you
  • Yum I have done this but havn't done this is over a year.. Good reminder ! thank you ! haha when you find that for me let me know !
  • raw?? that sounds yummy !
  • I need to meet 144 carbs a day while I am training , my coach says it is essential for recovery and training . I wish a carb was a carb in my book. I am trying to stick to the fruits and veggie carbs because they make me feel the best and support the weight lean body mass I am trying to reach . Heavy "white" carbs tend to…
  • you should deff try cauliflower, I have made it riced and it it actually really good . Yes Sweet potatoes are my main source when I go Full Paleo . Trying to ease back into it this week. Only reason I do Paleo is beacuse it seems to be the most effective. Thanks ;-)
  • unprocessed , No breads like carbs that come from your veggies , broc, spinach, cauliflower . I try and stick to more of a paleo style diet trying to get Ideas to replace the grains that are currently in my diet .
  • although I Love Gummies in any way shape or form I am afraid this carb cycle won't work for me this time lol!
  • lets be motivated together girl !
  • I am in just "awe" ... I am new to the community part of my fittness pal... been using it for years to track food but never ventured out into the community. My heart melted seeing all the positive feedback on here. If this or any progress pic was posted on any other "social media" site it would be filled with hate but…
  • Deodorant, clothes obviously , lifters, knee sleeves, hair ties, wrist wraps...
  • Well i just saw this cause the group sucks on here... are you talking about at night?? I always try to do a protein meal, especially when it is after a really big workout. Kill cliff has been working wonders for Austin and I . When it comes to recovery We just eat clean... typically dinner of ours looks like chicken or a…
    in Recovery Comment by nfigeley June 2015
  • I will cheer anyone on that is loosing weigh ... do you have an instagram as well? I don't have many friends on here either but my crossfit friends and I have started a 6 week challenge and have started a group on here to motivate and keep track of our diets. feel free to *kitten* me ! and my ig name is @coleey_ann I get a…
  • this just makes me feel sick knowing you are this stressed over a few lbs.. I can weight 10 lbs different in a matter of 24 hours it could be water weight etc ... this is normal you freaking out over the lbs is not normal . my advice? throw away the scale and just go off measurements. you will end up unhealthy if the scale…