JaneLovesHappy Member


  • I have about 53 lbs to lose to my goal weight. I totally understand your fears but just keep moving forward. I gained over winter but I've been back on track. I still have bad days or rough weeks, but I keep going. I have to keep pushing forward or I'll never get to my goal. You can do this!
  • I'm 5'5" and have lost 32 since dec/jan. pre kids, I weighed around 115-120. So that's my goal, but in a healthy way. I'd be happy with 120-125. Working out feels so good! Finally doing something for me without feeling guity! I'm at 178lbs now. Never have I been so heavy than post childbirths haha! Can't wait!!!
  • Hmmm...never been a huge junk food eater. I think maybe chips? Or bread products. Lol I can overdo bread haha! I hate pizza and I hate almost all sweets. I love dark chocolate (by way of mini chips) but I've never been inclined to overdo that. If I want to snack, chips are usually the culprit. Or popcorn. Which is why I…