smp5095 Member


  • Feel free to add me. I've been with MFP for about 2 months and I've had some ups and downs, but it's super nice to know that there are people here who don't even know me who care. Good luck!
  • If you want to be serious about doing videos like this I highly suggest investing in a heart rate monitor. No estimate is really going to help you out as it's different for everyone. I started 30 day shred and burned over 400 calories on the second day, where MFP estimates 250 cal for 28 minutes of circuit training. Also,…
  • How are you counting your calories? I just started 30 day shred 3 days ago and I use a heart rate monitor to keep track of calories. I burned more than 400 the second day, which I really wasn't expecting. I agree that you might be underestimating and not eating enough back.