

  • I find that a day including exercise I am sooooo hungry I have to eat most of them back
  • Keep at it, at the moment you're turning fat into muscle, but muscle occupies less space than fat, hence loosing inches but no weight, but it will happen, when I was in the same situation as you I actually gained weight. 2 1/2 years and 50 lbs lighter now. Yes the belly fat is the last to go, it takes more to shift than…
  • monday a.m. before work - 50 mins RPM class monday p.m. - 40 mins in fat burning heartrate zone on x-trainer at home tuesday p.m. - 1 2 1 session with personal trainer doing weights wednesday - complete rest - though probably end up 40 mins in fat burning heartrate zone on x-trainer at home thursday a.m. before work - 50…
  • Hi :) About 3 years ago me and the family were on holiday and took the usual holiday photos, we weren't happy with what we saw. We joined a gym and now I've lost around 45lbs and the wife even more, and kept it off too. I started using this app a week or so ago, and it makes monitoring your food intake so easy, my wife…