alwayspraying1 Member


  • Am so happy you are with Melaleuca! I had diabetes and was on the same medication. Thanks to Melaleuca's Access Bars, Sustain Sport and exercise, I am no longer diabetic! Keep up the great work!!
  • I use the WII Fit Plus and WII Active Personal Trainer, as well as Leslie Sansone Walking videos (should be named full body workout, if you ask me), plus when the weather is nice I walk at the local park. All three of the above have such a variety, plus using the WII is fun as well. Hope this helps.
  • It is easy to feel overwhelmed when wanting to make so many changes. Why not start out with replacing your soda with healthier drinks. I quit drinking soda about 14 years ago and I am so thankful I did. Don't beat yourself up if you break down and allow yourself one. It takes time to quit a habit/addiction (caffeine is…
  • I understand about trying to figure out where to cut costs. Only you can make the decision in regards to the gym membership. If you do decide to try working out at home, we could help each other stay accountable. I do most of my workouts at home so I have some suggestions if you are interested. I will help you in any way I…
  • I know what you mean. I'm still learning how everything works but so far I am liking this and the support.