Hi! I need all the help I can get!

Starting to use MFP and I'm really trying to accomplish something this time. I want to do so many things and I'm not sure if I should try to do them all at once or one at a time, plus how to accomplish each goal. Besides losing weight, I would like to eat a more healthy diet, be more active, and make lifestyle changes. I want to stop drinking pop or any caffeine, stop using artificial sweeteners, drink more water, do cardio AND weight training (I hate weights), and stop eating out. Is that too much to do at once? I find myself overwhelmed, which leads me to overeating from stress. Ideas? Suggestions? Im tired of being the big girl who would be pretty if I just lost weight.


  • tenathequeena
    Oh my! That's an awful lot to tackle at once. I would suggest that you be conscious of your soda intake, increase your phsical activity and make small changes to start with. All at once could lead to system overload!
  • AnnieRN6
    I'd start with the one that gives you the biggest return--probably sugared soda. Stop drinking pop with sugar, and substitute with water to which you add fruit for a bit of flavor. Then add a new change each week. I'm just starting today, too.
  • alwayspraying1
    alwayspraying1 Posts: 5 Member
    It is easy to feel overwhelmed when wanting to make so many changes. Why not start out with replacing your soda with healthier drinks. I quit drinking soda about 14 years ago and I am so thankful I did. Don't beat yourself up if you break down and allow yourself one. It takes time to quit a habit/addiction (caffeine is addicting) and it's hard to just give something up like that in a day or even a week.
    I drink water with lemon. It is good for you plus the increase in water intake will help you lose weight as well.
    Not sure what you are wanting to try as far as exercise but Leslie Sansone Walking Videos are total body workouts and some even include the use of weights. Plus she has toning and firming exercises as well.
    Another good thing to use is the WII if you have one. I workout using WII Fit Plus and the WII Active Personal Trainer.
    Do you have someone who also wants to work out and lose weight? I find its helpful to have a work out partner or partners.
    If you prefer to work out alone, then tell others what your goals are for weight loss and ask them to help you stay accountable.
    I know it's not easy to change eating habits - it's what I'm working on as well. However I just remind myself why I am wanting and needing to lose weight and it helps me be more conscious of what I'm eating.
    Feel free to message me if you would like more encouragement and help. I will even help hold you accountable if you would like.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    The single most effective thing I've done is to cut back on refined white flour carbohydrates such as bread, bagels, crackers and other similar foods.