

  • DON'T GET DISCOURAGED! It is a lot of information and can feel frustrating at first. But remember ... Rome wasn't built in a day. Baby steps Love. It takes 28 days to develop a habit, start with tracking what you eat. Do that for 28 days, then add another goal such as monitoring your water intake ... and so on. Just take…
  • I have lost 34# since January and would like to lose another 20-30#. I am officiating my best friend's wedding in August 2013, so I can fit in the 2 sizes smaller dress I bought! :) I am thankful I can take my time and lose slowly, so I have a better chance of keeping it off in the long run. I am not looking for a quick…
  • Motivation Sister! We got it here! You are going to rock this. I also did WW for 2 years and lost 60 pounds. Gained it all back. Since I have been on here (jan 2012), I have dropped 34 pounds ... and YOU CAN TOO! Logging/tracking is the best thing to start with. It takes 28 days to develop a habit; so start with tracking.…
  • Me and a few friends from work started on here a few days ago and love it! I also have 50 pounds to lose. Join us! We'll motivate you!